
yùn lǜ tè zhēnɡ
  • prosodic features
  1. 维吾尔语三音节词韵律特征声学分析

    Acoustic analysis of prosodic features of trisyllabic words in Uyghur language

  2. 英语学习者朗读任务中列举句式的韵律特征研究

    Prosodic Features of English Listing in Learners ' Read Speech

  3. 本文分别从韵律特征、音质特征和MFCC中提取特征参数,韵律特征在声学上通常由基音、振幅和语速等表示。

    The article extracted parameters form quality features , prosodic features and MFCC features Prosodic features usually are comprised of pitch , amplitude and speed .

  4. 一种数据驱动的汉语成句语音韵律特征产生模型的研究

    Study of data-driven hierarchical prosody generation model for Chinese sentence utterance

  5. 第二,以听辨实验的方法来证明语句边界韵律特征是否具有这三种话语交际功能。

    Step 2 proves the three possibilities according to perception experiment .

  6. 韵律特征对句法结构歧义解歧作用的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on the Role of Prosodic Features in Disambiguation

  7. 结合音质特征和韵律特征的语音情感识别

    Speech emotion recognition by combining voice quality and prosody features

  8. 自然语句边界的韵律特征及其交际功能

    Prosodic Features and Their Conversational Functions of Sentence Boundary in Spontaneous Speech

  9. 基于韵律特征和语法信息的韵律边界检测模型

    Detection Model of Prosodic Boundary Based on Prosodic Features and Syntactic Information

  10. 蒙古语韵律特征声学参数数据库

    The acoustic parameter data base of mongolian prosodic features

  11. 汉语去声和轻声音节的韵律特征研究

    The Study of the Prosodic Features of Mandarin Tone-4 and Tone-5 LEARNING CHINESE

  12. 二字词的韵律特征分析。

    Prosodic analysis of two syllable words .

  13. 基于音节韵律特征分类的汉语语音合成中韵律模型的研究

    Study of prosody model on Chinese speech synthesis based on the classification of syllabic prosody features

  14. 而单词重音的实验语音学研究时,则以考察其语流中的韵律特征作为重点。

    Meanwhile , the prosodic features of flow is the emphasis of word stress experimental phonetics study .

  15. 韵律特征研究

    Studies on Speech Prosody

  16. 而实际上人际意义的韵律特征表明实现人际意义的资源形式多种多样。

    However , the prosodic feature of interpersonal meaning indicates that various resources can contribute to its realization .

  17. 然后将语音信号的韵律特征与语义信息结合,采用高斯混合模型法进行识别。

    Then , the prosodic characteristics are combined with semantic information for recognize the emotion using Gaussian Mixture Model .

  18. 研究了韵律特征对指代歧义的解歧作用及其机制。

    In this research , the role and the mechanism of prosodic features in disambiguating demonstrative ambiguous sentences were studied .

  19. 统计判别分析表明,依据语句边界韵律特征能够在一定程度确定语句边界的位置和类型。

    The position and the type of the SB can be determined by PFs of the SB to some extent .

  20. 韵律特征在语篇理解中的作用:用实验心理学方法和脑电指标研究韵律对语篇信息整合和指代理解的影响,揭示其作用的认知和神经机制。

    The roles of prosody in information integration and pronoun understanding in discourses were explored with both behavioral and ERP experiments .

  21. 攀西层状基性&超基性岩体的韵律特征及分形研究

    Characteristics of rhythms of the layered basic ultrabasic rock bodies in Panxi region and Study on the rhythms with fractal theory

  22. 语音教学要更加广泛深入地融入与韵律特征有关的语音学和音系学知识。

    The skill and knowledge of prosodic features should be more extensively and thoroughly integrated into the teaching of phonetics and phonology .

  23. 情感向心灵的复归&略论柳词情感的自我化特征结合音质特征和韵律特征的语音情感识别

    Emotional Return to the Soul & On Personalized Emotion in Liu 's Ci Speech emotion recognition by combining voice quality and prosody features

  24. 韵律特征包含音节数、重音(词重音和句重音)、节奏、停顿、语调等。

    Prosodic elements include such factors as the number of syllable , stress ( word stress and sentence stress ), rhythm , pause , etc.

  25. 英语语音语调有一定韵律特征,并有着特定的信息功能、表态功能、强调功能和语法功能。

    English sound system has characteristics and functions , including the information function , the attitudinal function , the emphasis function and grammatical function .

  26. 长期的研究实践表明,地震发生的时间、地点在一定区域内呈现出某种韵律特征。

    The long study experience shows that the time and location of earthquake occurrences within a certain region appears some kind of rhythm features .

  27. 全面、系统地了解韵律特征的相关知识是有效地发挥韵律特征相关功能、促进交流的重要前提。

    A comprehensive and systematic understanding of prosodic features is the prerequisite for bringing the language functions concerned into full play to ensure effective communication .

  28. 听辨实验证明,语句边界韵律特征在一定程度上具有分界功能、话轮提示功能和言语行为功能;

    The perception experiment argues that PFs in SBs have the three CFs such as determining sentence boundary , giving turn cues and implementing speech act .

  29. 非正式的听觉测试表明转换后的语音很明显地听出是目标说话人,但保留了源说话人的韵律特征。

    Informal listening test shows that the transformed speech also sounds like the target speaker , and the prosody information of the source speaker is kept .

  30. 基于盐韵律特征划分准层序的方法,使得层序地层划分更为符合东濮凹陷含盐地层的实际情况。

    Based on the method of parasequences identification with the salt rhythm characteristics , the sequence division accords with the practice in salt formation in Dongpu Depression .