
  • 网络project funding;project financing
  1. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻新加坡的分析师YingxiYu表示,这些企业利用当地银行的短期信用证进口铜,接着卖出,以便为其它投资项目筹资。

    According to Yingxi Yu of Barclays Capital in Singapore , such companies use short-term letters of credit from local banks to import copper , which is then sold to generate cash for other investments .

  2. 论项目筹资结构与经济效益和风险的关系

    Discussing the relations of money-raising structure to economic results and risks of project

  3. 在项目筹资方面,体现了以地方为主,和以公共卫生和农村为重点的建设原则;

    The construction principles of giving priority to locality and attaching most importance to public health and country are embodied in item financing .

  4. 作为地方政府通过信用方式为基础设施项目筹资的有效工具,市政债券在西方国家工业化和城市化之初,发挥了功不可没的作用。

    As an effective financing tool for infrastructure projects , municipal bonds played an important role at the beginning of industrialization and urbanization in Western countries .

  5. 在规模较大的项目筹资时,如开发油田或购买另一公司的控股权,任何一个出借人都无法单独提供公司所需要的巨额资金。

    To finance a large project , such as developing an oil field or purchasing a controlling interest in the capital stock of another company , a corporation may need more capital than any single lender can supply .

  6. 为一项计划筹措经费环境项目特别筹资方式

    Find money for a plan Special Financing Modality for Environmental Projects

  7. 其次,介绍了本项目的筹资方案,筹资渠道和方式。

    Secondly , it introduces the scheme , channel and method of financing .

  8. 环境项目特别筹资方式

    Special Financing Modality for Environmental Projects

  9. 在不同服务项目的筹资上,政府在凸显公共性上还有所欠缺,筹资重点依然放在治疗服务上而忽视了预防性公共卫生服务的筹资。

    Between the different services , the government has not show the public properties , always pay attention on the curative care , and neglect the preventive care .

  10. 2011年,中国首家大众筹资网站点名时间(DemoHour)宣告成立,随后十几家类似网站相继注册诞生,其中多数专注于创新项目的筹资。

    The country 's first crowd-funding website , DemoHour , was launched in 2011 and was followed by a dozen other similar sites , most of which fund creative projects .

  11. 旨在能够更为有效地解决公路建设项目的筹资问题,从而减轻政府的财政负担,能够实现项目风险分散和风险隔离,提高项目成功的可能性。

    Is to be able to more effectively address the highway construction project financing , thus alleviating the financial burden that can spread the risks of the project and the risk of isolation and improve the success of the project .

  12. 万达集团称,其已经与4家中国投资机构签署一项协议,为26个新商业开发项目的建设筹资&这是该集团首次引入外部投资机构。

    The group said it had signed an agreement with four Chinese investors to finance the construction of 26 new commercial developments & the first time it has brought in outside investors .

  13. 万达集团称,其已经与4家中国投资机构签署一项协议,为26个新商业开发项目的建设筹资——这是该集团首次引入外部投资机构。

    The group said it had signed an agreement with four Chinese investors to finance the construction of 26 new commercial developments - the first time it has brought in outside investors .

  14. 在建设项目规模控制和筹资的结构方面有待改进,特别是规模控制要进一步细化;

    Item is awaited to improve at the structure of financing especially at the control of scale .

  15. 提出体育运动从社会保障,从社会求生存,从社会求发展的战略思路及体育保险项目设立多元化,筹资渠道社会化的建议和意见。

    It puts forward a proposal that sports should struggle its way for existence , security and development in the society , as well as the practical suggestion of establishing sports insurance from different levels , of raising fund from society .

  16. 前言:目的:通过评估四川省乡镇卫生院卫生建设项目,了解建设项目的筹资、效果和存在问题等。

    Objective : Through evaluation on construction projects of townships health center in Sichuan province , to know financing , effect and problem etc.

  17. 发展多元化的长期项目,将长期项目分成若干小项目,并对这些小项目进行筹资,以争取相同或者不同的资源。

    Develop a comprehensive long-term programme , but break it into smaller chunk sized bits to seek funding for each part , from the same or sometimes different sources .

  18. 第三方面提出了高速公路项目债务风险管理的三个原则,研究并论述了高速公路贷款项目筹资风险管理和经营期间债务管理的理论和方法。

    The third aspect puts forward three principles of expressway project liabilities risk management , studies and treats of the theory and approach of its liabilities management during the raising period and the running period .

  19. 首先在对公路项目经济性的内涵界定的基础上,剖析了公路项目的经济性与可持续发展、与公路项目筹资和管理模式的关系。

    Firstly , on the basis of defining the economic nature of highway project , this paper analyses the relationship between the economic nature and sustainable development .