
shùn fēnɡ hánɡ xínɡ
  • sail downwind;sail right before the wind;windward sailing
  1. 我们整天顺风航行。

    We sailed all day with a free wind .

  2. 早餐时吃几个鸡蛋,顺风航行时,你会觉得大海很美。

    Ocean very nice when you order weather or some eggs for breakfast .

  3. 昨天我们以每小时十二海里的速度顺风航行。

    Yesterday we were running down the wind at the speed of twelve knots an hour .

  4. 如果你的航程继续需要顺风航行,那么你将必须采取适当行动。继续这一航向切入航道,允许盲降进入。

    If your course continues to call for paying off you will have to take suitable action . Continue the heading to intercept localizer , cleared for ILS approach .

  5. 小艇顺风继续航行。

    The yacht continued its passage with favorable winds .

  6. 顺流的顺着溪流的方向船队开始顺风向北航行。

    In the direction of a stream 's current . The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course .

  7. 南北通航通邮业已开始。船队开始顺风向北航行。

    Navigation and postal communications between north and south have been resumed . The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course .

  8. (气象学)风从高气压中心向外旋转;在北半球顺时针方向旋转,在南半球逆时针旋转。船队开始顺风向北航行。

    ( meteorology ) winds spiraling outward from a high-pressure center ; circling clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the southern . The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course .