
  • 网络Customer Participation;customer engagement;Customer Involvement
  1. 顾客参与生产过程与大规模定制

    Customer Involvement in Production Process and Mass Customization

  2. 微观模型包括质量功能展开、质量信息技术、供应商选择、供应商开发、供应商参与、顾客识别、顾客参与、顾客服务、全面质量管理的管理体系和技术体系等十个要素。

    The micro-model includes ten tactical factors : quality function development , quality information technique , supplier selection , supplier development , supplier involvement , customer recognition , customer involvement , customer service and the managerial system and technical system of total quality management .

  3. 有关顾客参与和顾客感知价值的相关数据信度和效度良好,通过因子分析验证C2C模式下顾客感知价值的构成维度与预期相符。

    The data reliability and validity about the customer participation and customer perceived value are well , and the dimension of customer perceived value coincide with the expectations in C2C model after factor analysis .

  4. 顾客参与链:让顾客与企业共同创造竞争优势

    Customer Participative Chain : Linking Customers and Firm to Co-create Competitive Advantages

  5. 顾客参与是多维度变量。

    Secondly , customer participation is a multi-dimensional latent variable .

  6. 服务中的顾客参与及其对顾客满意的影响&述评及最新视角

    Literature of customer participation in service and its influence to customer satisfaction

  7. 即家居零售业当中顾客参与是否对顾客满意产生一定影响。

    The home furnishing retail customer participation is to customer satisfaction influence .

  8. 基于体验经济与顾客参与的大规模定制模式

    Mass Customization Based on Experience Economy and User Involvement

  9. 基于顾客参与的服务质量管理

    The Service Quality Management in View of Customer Participation

  10. 旅行社顾客参与、顾客满意与顾客公民行为关系研究

    Relationship between Customer Participation , Customer Satisfaction and Customer Citizenship Behavior in Travel Agencies

  11. 第二部分对顾客参与相关内容进行文献综述。

    The second part made a literature review on some relevant contents of customer participation .

  12. 在此基础上,建立了顾客参与下的顾客价值认知模型;

    Then a recognition model of customer value based on customer participation was put forward .

  13. 使用统计学研究方法对顾客参与行为与销量之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    An empirical study of the relationship between customer participation and sales volume has been conducted .

  14. 顾客参与对顾客感知价值的影响:基于心理账户理论

    The Effect of Customer Participation on Customer Perceived Value : Based on the Mental Accounting Theory

  15. 相较于其他行业,顾客参与是服务业的显著特征之一。

    Comparing with other industries , one of the remarkable service innovation features is customer participation .

  16. 顾客参与影响服务企业生产效率的提高,是企业竞争优势的重要来源。

    Customer participation can improve the organizational productivity , and it is the main source of competitive advantages .

  17. 那么,服务业中的顾客参与行为、关系质量与顾客忠诚之间会存在什么样的关系呢?本文以我国美发业为研究背景,尝试探讨三者之间的影响关系。

    Then , there will be what kind of relationship among customer participation , relationship quality and loyalty ?

  18. 以此为基础,建立基于用户关注度的顾客参与行为动力学模型。

    According to the research above , behavior model of customer participation based on user interest was established .

  19. 这将对以后有关学者基于低程度顾客参与行业的量表开发有一定的借鉴作用。

    This will offer references for certain scholars to design a scale for the low-level customer participation industry .

  20. 研究表明,顾客参与和体验都会显著提升顾客价值的传递效果。

    The results shows that customer participation and customer experience can significantly improve the delivery results of customer value .

  21. 顾客参与共同创造服务将会对顾客自身以及服务组织产生诸多影响。

    Co-creation service , involved by customers , will have a lot of impact on customer and service organization .

  22. 家装行业顾客参与对于行为意向产生正面影响,既存在直接影响也存在通过服务质量、顾客满意所起到的间接影响。

    Customer participation has positive influence on behavior intention directly as well as service quality and customer satisfaction indirectly .

  23. 在本研究中,顾客参与分为两个维度,即信息分享和合作行为。

    In this study , customer participation is divided into two dimensions , namely , information sharing and cooperative behavior .

  24. 在对所得数据进行分析后发现在家居零售业环境中顾客参与对于顾客满意有正向影响。

    In the data analysis found in home furnishing retail environment customer participation has a positive effect on customer satisfaction .

  25. 在服务营销领域,顾客参与行为越来越受学者和企业家的关注。

    In the field of service marketing , customer participation has gained more and more attention from scholars and entrepreneurs .

  26. 本研究结论与过往服务营销领域的研究结论基本一致,即顾客参与不一定能够带来顾客满意。

    The conclusion that there is no direct relationship between customer participation and satisfaction is consistent with the research in service marketing .

  27. 还有一些学者对顾客参与、顾客满意、购买意向等要素之间的关系做了相关的实证研究。

    Some scholars to customers , customer satisfaction and participation for purpose other elements of the relationship between the relevant of study .

  28. 对于顾客参与程度和顾客化程度要求高的服务性企业来说,大规模定制成为一种最具竞争力的服务模式。

    To the service enterprises that has a high degree participation customers , mass customization has become one of the most competitive service model .

  29. 可以说,顾客参与创新过程是商业银行服务创新最显著的特点。

    It can be argued that customer participation in the process of innovation is the most significant characteristic of service innovation in commercial banks .

  30. 家装行业顾客参与对顾客满意、行为意向都有显著的正面影响,且人际互动维度在其中发挥了最大的作用。

    Customer participation in house decoration has positive effect on customer satisfaction and behavior intention , and the personal interaction is the main factor .