
yù fù kuǎn
  • advance charge;advance payment;prepayment;advance
预付款 [yù fù kuǎn]
  • [advance payment] 为允许提供的劳务或产品而预先支付的货币

预付款[yù fù kuǎn]
  1. 这笔预付款的收益期间不止本期。

    This advance payment will benefit more than just current accounting period .

  2. 上述保函金额应等于预付款全款。

    Amount of such guarantees shall be equal to full amount of advance payment .

  3. 我们愿意预付款给你。

    We are willing to advance the money to you .

  4. 他的老板出钱让他住进了医院(中国(china)的医院通常要求预付款),但他们的善心就到此为止了。

    His employer put up money to have him admitted Chinese hospitals generally demand an advance but this was the end of their goodwill .

  5. 本文提出了一种以TM卡为存储媒介的预付款智能水表的设计方案。

    This paper mainly introduces the design of intelligent TM card water meter .

  6. 例如,如果加回预付款,现金增加额相当于摩托罗拉移动(MotorolaMobility)的市值。

    For example , if pre-payments were added back , the cash increased by about the market cap of Motorola mobility .

  7. Simon&Schuster出版社向希拉里·克林顿支付了百万美元的预付款,

    Clinton received million from Simon & Schuster to write " Living History "

  8. B公司是采用订单式采购方式,而订单式生产方式使得企业对供应商采购需求缺少预测性,B公司往往是接到客户订单,并收到预付款后,销售才让采购安排采购计划给供应商。

    Company B is the use of orders for procurement , and production orders such a way that corporate demand for suppliers lack of predictability , B companies are often received customer orders and receipt of advance payment , the sales before allowing procurement arrangements to supply procurement plan providers .

  9. 后来我们走上杰克的二手SUV车,这是他用这本书七万美元预付款中的一部分买来的,我们驶向圣塔莫妮卡18街咖啡屋。

    Next , we climbed into Jake 's secondhand SUV , bought with a portion of his $ 70000 book advance , and headed to the 18th Street Coffee House in Santa Monica .

  10. 就在今年8月,GT还在财报电话会议上表示,它相信自己能够实现经营目标和收到1.39亿美元的最终预付款——这笔款项应于本月底前给付。

    As recently as August , GT said in an earnings call that it was confident it would meet the operational targets and receive its final prepayment of $ 139m , which had been due by the end of this month .

  11. B.咨询方银行出具的金额为_______元(大写:__________),以委托方为受益人的对预付款的不可撤销保函正本一份,副本一份,保函格式见合同附件。

    B. One ( 1 ) original and one ( 1 ) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by Consultant 's Bank in favor of Client covering _______ ( Say : ________ only ) , specimen of which is as per Appendix 4 ;

  12. 杰克逊生前住在洛杉矶高尚社区HolmbyHills一栋租下来的豪宅中,手头仅有从AEGLive公司那里得到的3500万美元演唱会预付款,用于支付巨额的个人支出。这家演出公司本来计划主办杰克逊的伦敦演唱会。

    Mr. Jackson was living in a rented mansion in Holmby Hills , a ritzy neighborhood near Bel Air , covering his sizable personal overhead with a $ 35 million cash advance from AEG Live , the concert promoter that was planning to stage his London concerts .

  13. 拿我们来说,酒店打电话给Expedia,然后Expedia又打电话给我,它们表示无能为力,除了能把我的预付款退还给我(要知道,我根本没有入住酒店)。

    In our situation , the hotel called Expedia and then Expedia ( expe ) called me , only to say there was nothing to be done but that Expedia would be willing to refund my deposit ( you know , for the room we never got ) .

  14. 工程预付款情境下的不安抗辩权研究

    Unsafe right of defense on the context of project advance payment

  15. 培训鉴定合格后,预付款予以全部退还。

    Groom after appraisal is eligible , imprest gives return entirely .

  16. 预付款用本票或则是汇票都可以。

    Prepayment with cash your check or money order is accepted .

  17. 他们要给我1500美元的预付款

    They want to offer us an advance of $ 1500 .

  18. 重点讲解:我们愿意预付款给你。

    We ar e willing to advance the money to you .

  19. 在处理预付款过程中有哪些关键之处?

    What are the areas of focus on processing advances ?

  20. 虚增费用或者挪用预付款用於私人用途。

    Overloading expense accounts or diverting advances to personal use .

  21. 得从那些浪妞那里要点预付款。

    Must be getting an advance from one of the sporting ladies .

  22. 大批订单时,我们希望能有预付款。

    A large number of orders , we want to have advance .

  23. 银行担保金额应等于动员预付款的金额。

    Bank-guarantee shall be the same amount with mobilization payment .

  24. 但没有预付款,而且价钱要低点。

    But no advance , and at a point lower .

  25. 我方要求订货时交纳10%的预付款。

    We request a 10 % payment at the time of ordering .

  26. 他们不会收回预付款

    They won 't take back the advance . Ah !

  27. 并应当承担预付款的利息、消费者必须支付的合理费用。

    Pay interest derived therefrom and reimburse the consumers with costs reasonably incurred .

  28. 现在,这笔预付款也已经还回去了。

    That loan , too , has been repaid .

  29. 本票预付款用本票或汇票都可以。

    cashier 's check Pre-payment with cashier 's check or money order is accepted

  30. 预付款总额,则本款应不适用;

    The amount of the advance payment , then this Sub-Clause shall not apply ;