
  • 网络Predistortion;pre-distortion;DPD
  1. 结合射频数字预失真技术和Doherty技术提出了一种WCDMA线性化功率放大器的设计方案。

    A design of linearized WCDMA power amplifier is introduced in this paper , combining RF DPD and Doherty techniques .

  2. 数字预失真可将失真输出信号与非失真输入信号进行比较,然后在对输入进行预先失真,其失真特性与功放相反,从而有效消除失真。

    DPD could compare the distorted signal and reference signal , then pre-distort the input datas with opposite distortion performance to power amplifier and eliminate the ultimate distortion .

  3. 预失真补偿技术在高分辨SAR系统中的应用

    Application of Pre - distortion in High - Resolution SAR System

  4. 射频功放数字预失真技术研究及其FPGA实现

    Research of Digital Predistortion for RF Power Amplifiers and Its FPGA Implementation

  5. OFDM系统功率放大器的自适应预失真线性化

    Linearization Technology of Adaptive Pre-Distortion for Power Amplifiers in OFDM Systems

  6. 一种高效的用于RF功率放大器线性化的自适应预失真结构

    High-efficient adaptive predistortion structure for RF power amplifier linearization

  7. OFDM系统中记忆非线性功放基带预失真技术

    Base-band Pre-distortion Techniques of Nonlinear Power Amplifiers with Memory in OFDM Systems

  8. 双环路模拟预失真器在3G功放中的研究

    Study on double loop analog predistorter used in 3G RF power amplifiers

  9. 使用自适应RF预失真技术改善放大器线性的研究

    Improvement of Amplifier Linearization Using Adaptive RF Predistortion

  10. 宽带OFDM功放自适应数字预失真算法的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Adaptive Digital Pre-distortion Algorithm for Wideband OFDM Power Amplifiers

  11. 一种RF模拟预失真放大器的实现

    Realization of a RF Analog Predistortion Amplifier

  12. 无线OFDM系统自适应预失真器实现

    An Adaptive Predistorter Scheme in Wireless OFDM Transmitter

  13. 基于OFDM信号的数字预失真技术研究

    Research on Digital Pre-distortion Technique in OFDM Signals

  14. 设计了基于预失真参数的改进径向基函数(RBF)神经网络语音识别方法。

    Speech recognition method of RBF neural networks based on predistortion coefficients is designed .

  15. OFDM系统中的一种自适应预失真器

    An adaptive predictor in OFDM system

  16. 研究了一种用于线性化RF功率放大器的自适应预失真技术,并给出了分析和仿真结果。

    An adaptive predistorter for linearizing RF power amplifiers is studied and analytical and simulation results are presented .

  17. 预失真线性化技术理论上是最简单的RF功率放大器线性化技术。

    Predistortion linearization technology is conceptually the simplest form of linearization for an RF power am - plifier .

  18. 研究了应用于WCDMA直放站中的基于模拟预失真技术的功率放大器。

    An analog predistortion power amplifier used in WCDMA repeater is developed .

  19. 基于HPA特性曲线拟合的自适应预失真技术

    Adaptive predistortion technology based on HPA Characteristic Curve Fitting in OFDM System

  20. 基于2阶低频互调干扰信号的HPA预失真法

    A Design of predistortion HPA Using 2nd order Low Frequency Intermodulation Signal

  21. WCDMA功率放大器数字预失真的实现

    Implementation of a Digital Predistortion for WCDMA Power Amplifiers

  22. 可以总结出,这种预失真器可以有效地减小OFDM信号的带外辐射。

    It is also concluded that the predistorter can effectively decrease the out of band emission in OFDM signal .

  23. 一种基于改进LMS算法的多项式预失真技术

    Predistortion of Polynomial Based on Improved LMS Algorithm

  24. WCDMA功放预失真发生器的研究

    Study on predistortion linearizer of WCDMA power amplifier

  25. 数字预失真技术在WCDMA直放站中的应用

    Application of Digital Predistortion Technology in WCDMA Repeater

  26. 预失真是目前3G功放中的主流线性化技术之一。

    Predistortion is one of the main linearization techniques used in 3G power amplifiers ( PA ) at present .

  27. 基于RPE算法的记忆多项式数字预失真研究

    Research on Memory Polynomial Digital Predistorter Based on RPE Algorithm

  28. Ku波段星载行波管混合型预失真线性化器的研究

    Design of Ku-band predistortion linearizer using mixed structure circuit for satellite TWTA

  29. 通过实验分析比较了RBF神经网络与采用预失真参数的改进方法对带噪语音的识别率。

    Recognition rates of noisy speech using RBF neural networks and modified method based on predistortion coefficients are tested .

  30. 提出RF正交幂级数预失真线性功率放大器方案,可同时改善放大器幅度、相位失真。

    The contributions of the thesis are presented as follows : 1 . A RF quadrature power series predistortion linearizer is presented .