
yù qī lǐ lùn
  • expectancy theory
  1. 而传统OLS模型则拒绝预期理论。

    However , traditional OLS model rejected the prospect theory . 4 .

  2. 基于Shibor的利率期限结构预期理论研究

    Test of the Expectation Theory of the Term Structure of Shibor

  3. 基于上述思想,我们利用理性预期理论和Stackelberg主从对策思想构造了中央和地方对策模型的实验平台。在这实验平台上,我们进行了一系列中央和地方动态对策的人工实验。

    Based on above ideas , we construct the interface of the game model between Central and Provinces through the use of rational expectation theory and the idea of Stackelberg principal subordinate decreasing game , and we do a series of artificial experiments about Central and Provinces .

  4. 低生育理性预期理论及其政策意义

    Rational Expectation Theory of Low Fertility and its Policy Meaning

  5. 预期理论下一个纠正消费外部性的新视角

    A New Perspective of Correcting Consumption Externality under Expectation Theory

  6. 基于我国国债回购市场的利率预期理论检验

    Expectation Hypothesis on Interest Rate of Chinese TB Repo

  7. 理性预期理论对现代宏观经济学产生了极其深远的影响。

    Rational expectation theory has achieved profound and lasting influence for modern macroeconomics .

  8. 从违反预期理论的角度研究跨文化语用失误

    The Analysis of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure from the Perspective of Expectancy Violation Theory

  9. 试论理性预期理论与我国消费预期的改善

    A Tentative Discussion on Rational Anticipated Theory and Consuming Anticipated Improvement in China

  10. 预期理论和心理账户理论为捆绑组合定价提供了新的启发。

    Prospect theory and mental accounting theory provide new enlightenment for bundling pricing .

  11. 论文最后采用纯预期理论对我国期限结构曲线特征进行了研究。

    The pure expected theory is adopted to study Chinese government term structure .

  12. 本文利用中国银行间债券回购数据对期限结构理论进行了实证检验,从而否定了合理预期理论。

    This paper utilizes the bond repurchase interest rate date to test these theories .

  13. 资产估价的预期理论研究

    A study of expectation theory in assets valuation

  14. 预期理论是影响金融市场稳定的重要因素。

    The expectation theory is the important factor to influence the steady of financial market .

  15. 中国银行间国债利率期限结构的预期理论检验

    Test of the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure of Treasury Market Among China Banks

  16. 理性预期理论的国家,没有任何确定性的周期可以持续,因为这将一贯创造套利机会。

    Rationalexpectations theory states that no deterministic cycle can persistbecause it would consistently create arbitrage opportunities .

  17. 传统的定性研究大体有预期理论和市场分割理论。

    The theory of traditional qualitative research includes the theory of general expectations and market segmentation .

  18. 实证研究表明,无论是对于短期利率期限结构还是中长期利率期限结构,预期理论都无法被拒绝。

    Under short or the long terms , the results showed that the expectations theory cannot be rejected .

  19. 作者对理性预期理论进行了较全面的分析,指出这一假说理论上的合理性。

    The authors analyze the rational expectations theory relative thoroughly , and designate the rationality of this theory .

  20. 本文在修正后的预期理论基础上,研究了期权的一般定价方法。

    On the base of the Prospect Theorywhich has been revamped , we obtain the common option pricing method .

  21. 政策方面:根据研究的结果认为理性预期理论不足以解释这种市场纠错心理。

    Based on the results of that rational expectations theory can not explain this kind of market correction psychology .

  22. 与预期理论分析一致,增加股价中包含公司层面的信息量有利于降低权益资本成本。

    Consistent with the excepted theoretical analysis , increasing the stock price informativeness can reduce the cost of equity capital .

  23. 理论将随着实际经济生活的不断变化发展而随之变化发展,预期理论的发展亦是如此。

    Theory will develops with the developing and changing actual economic life , the development of expected theory is the same .

  24. 以心理学中的锚定理论为基础,对有限理性下的通胀预期理论进行了扩展,提出了关于通胀预期锚定效应的三个假设。

    Based on the theory of anchoring effect in psychology , the author extends the theory of inflation expectation under near-rational .

  25. 有效市场理论及国外一些国家在治理通货膨胀方面的实践均是理性预期理论与实践较完善的结合。

    Both efficient markets theory and some foreign governments ' anti-inflationary policies have shown the perfect combination of rational expectations and practice .

  26. 运用理性预期理论分析在投资者理性程度与市场势力不同时,基金投资行为的市场影响。

    The article utilizes rational expectations theory to analyze the market impact of funds investment behavior by investor rationality and market power .

  27. 卢卡斯虽然不是理性预期理论的发明者,但却一直是该理论的积极拥护者。

    Although Lucas is not the contriver that reason anticipates theory , but the active advocate that is this theory all the time however .

  28. 为解决农业综合开发投资不足的问题,根据理性预期理论研究了投资预期不足的制度原因。

    To solve the problem of the long-term insufficient investment in comprehensive agricultural exploitation , this paper analyzed the institutional factor influencing the investment .

  29. 随着经济的快速发展,预期理论也将朝着更新的、与实际更相符合的阶段发展。

    With the rapidly development of economic , the expected theory will also develop towards more advanced and more closing to the actual life .

  30. 传统的利率期限结构可分为三类:预期理论、流动性偏好理论和期限偏好理论。

    The traditional interest rate term structure can divide into three kinds : the expectation theory , the liquidity preference theory and the preferred habitat theory .