
  • 网络Predictive effect;prediction function
  1. 身体状况、身体吸引力、每周锻炼次数、持续锻炼时间及身体自我价值感这五个变量分别对社会性体格焦虑各变量有显著的预测作用。

    Physical condition , attractive body , exercise time weekly , sustained exercise time and general physical self-worth have to social physical anxiety variable prediction function .

  2. 结果中学教师自我原因不确定感对其状态焦虑和特质焦虑都有着显著的预测作用,决定系数分别为8.1%和13.0%。

    Results Causal-uncertainty of middle school teachers had apparent prediction function to their state and trait anxiety , and the decisive coefficients were 8.1 % and 13.0 % respectively .

  3. CT与肿瘤标记物对非小细胞型肺癌N2淋巴结转移的预测作用探讨

    The prognostic action of chest computed tomographic ( CT ) and tumor marker of non small lung cancer N 2 lymphatic metastasis

  4. GDP对于理解经济表现有着至关重要的意义,但对股市回报率而言,GDP的预测作用就要大打折扣了。

    GDP is crucial to understanding economic performance , but it has proven a bad predictor of equity returns .

  5. 血清CEA在结直肠癌术后复发的预测作用初探

    Role of serum carcinoembryonic antigen level in predicting relapse of colorectal cancer after radical surgery

  6. CAN患者在肾功能异常前尿TGFβ1已显著升高,肾移植后早期检测尿TGFβ1对远期肾功能具有预测作用。

    The level of urine TGF - β 1 in early stage after renal transplantation can predict long-term renal function .

  7. 目的探讨自发性脑内出血(ICH)患者发病4h内的首诊CT对早期血肿扩大的预测作用。

    Objective To study the initial CT predictors of hematoma enlargement in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) .

  8. 检测正位子宫内膜上皮细胞的ER水平对阿拉瑞林的疗效有一定的预测作用。

    Measurement the changes of ER in entopic endometrium epithelial cells may do a favor in doping out curative effect on endometriosis .

  9. PAF水平对肝衰竭患者HRS的发生可能有一定预测作用。

    The PAF level may forecast whether patients with liver failure will take place HRS .

  10. 然而,该分析并没有显示出依赖于治疗的IMT改变所具有的预测作用。

    However , the analysis failed to show a predictive role of treatment-dependent IMT changes .

  11. 社会认可度中的一般性排斥对PTSD三大症状都有显著的预测作用。

    General Disapproval in Acknowledgement as a Victim Scale had significant correlation with PTSD symptoms .

  12. 创伤揭露中情绪反应对PTSD三大症状都有显著的预测作用;

    Emotional response during the disclosure of traumatic experiences was a significant predictor of the severity of PTSD symptoms ;

  13. 本研究拟探讨多种基因表达对可手术ⅢA期NSCLC新辅助化疗疗效的预测作用。

    This study was to determine the predictive effect of multi-gene expression on treatment outcome of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable stage ⅲ A NSCLC .

  14. 其中,抑制子功能的Stroop效应预测作用最大,可解释学业成就变异的8.5%。

    The Stroop effect was the strongest predictor , explaining 8.5 % of the variations in academic achievements .

  15. 结论MELD评分与CTP分级评价系统在人工肝治疗重型肝炎中有预测作用。

    Conclusion It demonstrates that the MELD and CTP score are useful in predicting the therapeutic effectiveness of ALSS in severe hepatitis .

  16. 目的:探讨孕激素受体(PR)对雌激素受体阳性(ER+)乳腺癌患者,尤其是老年患者的内分泌治疗效果的预测作用。

    Objective : To investigate the predictive value of progesterone receptor ( PR ) status for adjuvant endocrine therapy in estrogen receptor-positive ( ER + ) breast cancer patients , especially the aged .

  17. 目的:验证功能独立性评测(FunctionalIndependenceMeasure,FIM)对颅脑损伤康复病人功能状态评测的有效性,同时探讨FIM对护理工作量的预测作用。

    Objective : This study sought to evaluate the concurrent validity of the Functional Independence Measure ( FIM ) in rehabilitation patients after traumatic brain injury and the effects of FIM in predicting the nursing service quantity .

  18. 目前很少有关于颈动脉斑块的发生在CIMT中的预测作用的纵向数据。

    There exist few longitudinal data on the predictive role of CIMT in the occurrence of carotid plaque .

  19. 社会化培训的部门培训管理因子对工作满意度及工作适应内容的预测作用最大,其次为HR沟通引导管理;导师培训管理因子对新员工工作适应内容的影响总体上不显著。

    The Department Training Management factor of Socialization Training is the strongest predictor for Work Adjustment Content and Job Satisfaction , and HR Communication & Guiding is the second strongest one . The impact of Mentor Training Management factor to Work Adjustment Content is not visible .

  20. 目的探讨多因素强化干预条件下高敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)水平对新诊2型糖尿病患者颈总动脉内中膜厚度(CCA-IMT)进展的预测作用。

    Objective To investigate the predicting value of high-sensitive C-reactive protein ( hsCRP ) level on progression of intima-media thickness of common carotid artery ( CCA-IMT ) in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes ( T2DM ) .

  21. 成绩因素、人际关系和训练因素对心理退避具有显著预测作用。

    Performance , interpersonal and training factors significantly predicted psychological retreat .

  22. 人际相似性对员工态度和行为的预测作用

    The Effect of Coworker Similarity on Their Work Attitudes and Behaviors

  23. 接纳维度对主观幸福感有正向预测作用。

    Acceptance for the subjective well-being to predict a positive role .

  24. 过分宣称偏向对自恋、谦虚、自尊具有正向预测作用。

    Narcissism , modesty and self-esteem were positively predicted by over-claiming bias .

  25. 语音意识和句法意识对英语语音解码均不具有预测作用。

    Phonological awareness and syntactic awareness can 't predict decoding .

  26. 成绩因素和人际关系对成就感下降具有显著预测作用。

    Performance and interpersonal factors significantly predicted the achievement decline .

  27. 学生的学业作弊现状对学生的中立态度有很强的预测作用。

    Academic cheating has a great effect on students ' neutralizing attitude .

  28. 公平报酬和授权对程序公平具有正向预测作用;

    Fair compensation and empowerment has positive predict ability to procedure justice ;

  29. 氧利用率对急危重症的预测作用

    Oxygen utilization coefficient in predicting the severity of critical illness

  30. 脑血流速度对外伤性脑梗塞的预测作用

    Predictive value of cerebral blood velocity for traumatic cerebral infarction