
  • 网络Draft budget;budget proposals;Budget draft
  1. 俄罗斯政府在其最新的2015年-2017年预算草案中预计油价每桶为100美元(年均GDP增长为2.6%)。

    The latest draft of the 2015-17 budget assumes a price of $ 100 a barrel ( and average annual gross domestic product growth of 2.6 per cent ) .

  2. 根据预算草案,乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)针对最富裕群体的减税计划将于2011年终止,并将对收入达到或超过25万美元的家庭增税,以便为扩大医保系统提供资金。

    The budget would see George W. Bush 's tax cuts for the wealthiest expire by 2011 and introduce new tax increases on families earning $ 250,000 or more to pay for healthcare expansion .

  3. 奥巴马预算草案估算出来的财政赤字大约有1万6千亿美元。

    His budget forecasts a deficit of roughly $ 1.6 trillion .

  4. 指导方针是由预算草案中的重点项目立法者制定的。

    Those are the pet projects lawmakers attach to spending bills .

  5. 国会审查并通过了该项预算草案。

    The Congress examined and approved the draft budget .

  6. 共和党高层回应说,奥巴马提出的预算草案就是不负责任的典型。

    Top Republicans responded by calling his budget proposal an example of irresponsibility .

  7. 但预算草案为奥巴马采取此类措施奠定了基础。

    But the budget prepares the ground for Mr Obama to do so .

  8. 来年的开支预算草案何时公布?

    When will the draft estimates of expenditure for the coming year be published ?

  9. 甚么是开支预算草案?

    What is draft estimates of expenditure ?

  10. 不管怎样,奥巴马的预算草案为问题的解决打开了一个突破口。

    Obama 's budget proposal , however , breaks little new ground on the issue .

  11. 国务院应当及时下达关于编制下一年预算草案的指示。

    The State Council shall give timely instructions regarding the compilation of the next year 's draft budgets .

  12. 如今我们还有个窝窝囊囊的预算草案,这是窝囊预算程序的第一步。

    And now , we have a draft ly budget , the first step in our ly budgeting process .

  13. 周二,日本内阁批准了一项预算草案,国防支出的增加数额为近二十年来的最高水平。

    On Tuesday the Cabinet approved a draft budget to increase defense spending by the most in nearly two decades .

  14. 比如,2009年预算草案长期搁置,建立新内阁和重组能源部的速度都太慢。

    citing long delays in putting together a draft 2009 budget , choosing a new Cabinet and revamping the energy sector .

  15. 在1月18日召开的国会特别会议上能否通过预算草案,财务大臣将发挥关键作用。

    The finance minister will play a key role in getting the budgets passed in the diet , which reconvenes on January 18 .

  16. 美国众议院中的共和党大多数派称其预算草案为“通往繁荣之路:美国复兴的蓝图”。

    THE Republican majority in the House of Representatives called its budget proposal " The path to prosperity : A blueprint for American renewal . "

  17. 英国财政大臣作为一个行政代理人,在对支出和税收进行艰难权衡之后,提出一个预算草案。

    The budget is written by the chancellor of the exchequer , who as an executive agent makes the difficult trade-offs between spending and taxes .

  18. 就更改预算草案所开列的部门人事编制,以及公务员的人数和开支等事宜,向财务委员会报告。

    To report to FC on changes in departmental establishments shown in the draft estimates and on the size and cost of the civil service .

  19. 这份预算草案预计始于明年4月的财年支出总计将达到458亿美元,较当前财年增长2.2%。

    In total , the draft budget calls for $ 45.8 billion in spending in the fiscal year starting next April , up 2.2 % from the current fiscal year .

  20. 长达134页的预算草案概述了从布什那里继承的遗产,将其称作“错误管理并错失机遇,以及忽略过久的深层次结构性问题”。

    The 134-page document outlines a legacy inherited from Mr Bush of what it calls " mismanagement and missed opportunities and of deep , structural problems ignored for too long " .

  21. 通过将可能的未来成本涵盖在内,奥巴马的预算草案从所称的布什年代“耍花招、玩诡计的会计方法”转向了“提前会计”的新体系。

    By including likely future costs , it moves to a new system of upfront accounting that moves away from the alleged " gimmicks and sleight-of-hand accounting " of the Bush years .

  22. 但在预算草案发布之际,瑞典经济开始出现疲弱迹象近期许多人曾宣称瑞典几乎不受欧元区困境的影响。

    But the budget comes as the Swedish economy , which many had touted recently as being close to immune from problems in the eurozone , starts to show signs of weakness .

  23. 在欧洲爆发主权债务危机,北非陷入动荡,一个新的欧盟预算草案正在商讨之中的时刻,欧盟肯定将在接下来的六个月里集中处理这些问题。

    With the sovereign debt crisis , turmoil in North Africa and a new EU budget under discussion , the European Union certainly has its work cut out for it over the next six months .

  24. 巴育将军在国会获得的无异议支持,引起了广泛关注。此前,泰国国会例行公事地批准了一份由军方提议的预算草案&该预算案承诺加大对国防、教育和交通领域的投入。

    The unanimous parliamentary approval for the general was widely flagged and comes after the legislature this week rubber-stamped a draft budget proposed by the military that promises big spending increases for defence , education and transport .

  25. 从《北京青年报》一则关于广州市人大质疑政府预算草案的报道中,我们不难看出,广州市2005年的支出预算明显超额。

    From a report from Beijing Youth Daily about the budget document of Guangzhou which was called in questions by the National People 's Congress of Guangzhou , we can find out that the expenditure budget of Guangzhou in 2005 was obviously excess .

  26. 民主党乐见瑞恩先生又使共和党像去年那样重新陷于困境,那时议院共和党人以压倒性的姿态支持他的预算草案,却被民主党以“正如我们都知道的那样会终结医疗保险制度”和以削减富人缴税为先而不是造福于穷人为理由痛斥。

    Democrats are delighted that Mr Ryan is returning to the limb he put his party out on last year , when House Republicans overwhelmingly backed his budget proposal only to be lambasted by Democrats for " ending Medicare as we know it " and prioritising tax cuts for the rich over benefits for the poor .

  27. 各单位编制本单位预算、决算草案;按照国家规定上缴预算收入,安排预算支出,并接受国家有关部门的监督。

    Various units shall compile the drafts of their own budgets and final accounts , turn over budgetary revenues as prescribed by the state , manage the budgetary expenditures , and accept supervision of the relevant departments of the state .

  28. 预算编制时间太短,临时论证、临时立项;预算草案编制过粗,编制过程不透明;预算的内容不全面。

    Budget preparation time is too short , temporary demonstration and temporary project . The preparation of the draft budget is too thick , and preparation process is very opaque . The content of the budget is not comprehensive .

  29. 预算修正权作为预算修正制度的一项核心内容,主要是指有关机关或者人员按照法定程序对本级政府提交的预算草案进行修改的权力。

    The right of budget revision as a core elements of the system of budget revision . Mainly refers to that the relevant authorities or personnel have the power of revise budget . And in accordance with legal procedures are submitted to the levels of government .