
  1. 我喜欢领家女孩这一型的。他们都性格很好,很友好。

    I like the girl next door type , They are always so nice and friendly .

  2. 却要指着那领以色列家的后裔从北方和赶他们到的各国中上来,永生的耶和华起誓。他们必住在本地。

    But , by the living lord , who took up the seed of israel , and made them come out of the North country , and from all the countries where I had sent them ; and they will be living in the land which is theirs .

  3. 由谷歌(Google)领军的多家技术公司正在与奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)等老牌汽车生产商合作,率先开发自动或自主驾驶汽车,华为也是其中之一。

    Huawei is one of several technology companies , led by Google , pioneering the development of autonomous , or self-driving , cars alongside established carmakers such as Mercedes-Benz .

  4. 就可以领她到你家里去。她便要剃头发,修指甲

    Bring her into your home and have her shave her head , trim her nails

  5. 你有很丰富的人生经验,神要用你的经历领人归属他的家。

    You have a storehouse of experiences that God wants to use to bring others into his family .

  6. 于是禁卒领他们上自己家里去,给他们摆上饭,他和全家,因为信了神,都很喜乐。

    And when he had brought them into his house , he set meat before them , and rejoiced , believing in God with all his house .

  7. 詹宁斯领着朋友参观家里时,特意指出所有的收藏品,那都是他和太太在婚后多年收集的。

    Showing his friend around his home , Jennings pointed out all of the collectibles he and his wife had acquired over their long years of marriage .

  8. Facebook的新产品可能会抢占领英的市场份额。领英是一家为专业人士提供服务的社交网站,月均活跃用户数达9000万。

    Facebook 's new product could take market share from LinkedIn , the social network for professionals with 90m active monthly users .