
  • 网络leadership responsibilities
  1. 通过担负起领导责任,中国可能促成一个减排协议。

    By taking leadership responsibilities , China could spur an agreement on emissions reductions .

  2. 授权风格。最后,但团队完全成熟时,主管应江诸多的领导责任有效分派给团队的其他成员。

    Delegating . Finally , when the team is fully mature , the supervisor can delegate many leadership responsibilities to other team members .

  3. 这就好比通用电气(generalelectric)由每个各个工厂的经理管理,或者像家乐福(carrefour)由分店经理运营,而总部高管们却认为自己没有肩负领导责任。

    It was as if general electricwere run by individual plant managers or carrefourby store managers , and head office executives did not think it was their role to lead .

  4. 公共行政中实现领导责任的制度规制探讨

    Exploration of the realization of leader 's responsibility in public administration

  5. 明确领导责任,加强监督与指导。

    Clarify the leaders ' responsibilities , and reinforce supervision and guidance .

  6. 行政领导责任性与绩效之间关系的研究

    The Relationship between Accountability of Administrative Leader and Performance

  7. 这是我们两国现在肩负的领导责任。

    That is the burden of leadership that both of our countries now carry .

  8. 陈独秀要负领导责任,但党的领导集体也有责任。二是离党之后的政治表现。

    Amother is his political attitude and behaviour after his breaking away from the Party .

  9. 地质灾害防治,政府负总责,建立和完善领导责任制。

    To prevent and control geological disasters by establishing and improving the responsibility system by leaders .

  10. 这种情况,加重了无产阶级及其政党的政治领导责任。

    This situation increases the responsibility of the proletariat and its party for giving political leadership .

  11. 接下来该怎么做?首先,柏林方面必须在欧洲承担更多领导责任。

    What is the way forward ? For one , Berlin must take more leadership in Europe .

  12. 我外出参加日内瓦最高级会议期间,副总统将承担领导责任。

    The vice president will take the helm while I 'm away at the summit meeting in Geneva .

  13. 缩短任期,不过是过去10年加强企业领导责任感,改革企业治理的一种副产品。

    Decreasing longevity is merely the byproduct of a decade of corporate governance reforms aimed at boosting c-suite accountability .

  14. 行政领导责任性与绩效指标大部分显著相关,某些维度分别直接影响绩效的几个指标;

    The accountability of administrative leader and the performance had a significant influence . Four accountability dimensions affected performance directly .

  15. 总统和美国在伦敦会议上担负领导责任的同时,也会倾听各方意见。

    " The president and America are going to listen in London , as well as to lead ," Gibbs said .

  16. 杰克从没在任何事情上担当过领导责任,他很高兴随大流。

    Jack never likes to take a leading role in any affair . He 's happy just going with the crowd .

  17. 领导责任的法律分析&基于董事注意义务的视角

    A Legal Analysis of Accountability and Leadership Responsibility : An Approach from the Director 's Duty of Care in Corporate Law

  18. 第三,监察机制不完善,在领导责任机制、教育预防机制、监督约束机制、奖励惩戒机制等方面存在诸多问题。

    There are several problems in leading obligation mechanism , educational preventive mechanism , supervise restrictive mechanism , encourage and penance mechanism .

  19. 谁要是坚持错误不肯改正,就不能担负思想工作的领导责任。

    No one who clings to his mistaken views and refuses to correct them can hold a leading position in ideological work .

  20. 为了适应这些变化,大学教育学院院长必须承担起主要的领导责任,提高自身的素质。

    To meet these changes , the dean of education college must undertake major leading responsibility , and raise their self - quality .

  21. 在为我们的孩子保护这个星球上也担起了领导责任。此外,还有很多,很多。

    took on the mantle of leadership in the fight to protect this planet for our kids , and much , much more .

  22. 当肩负领导责任的妇女相聚在一起时,我们常谈起平衡家庭和工作的奥妙。

    And when women in positions of responsibility get together , we often talk about what are the tricks for balancing family and work .

  23. 这个中国革命领导责任的问题,乃是革命成败的关键。

    This question of responsibility for leadership in the Chinese revolution is the linchpin upon which the success or failure of the revolution depends .

  24. 如果说有需要环保专业人员站出来担负起领导责任的最佳时机的话,现在可谓是正当其时。

    If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems , that time is now .

  25. 环境保护必须建立科学的综合决策机制、完善的法律保障机制、合理的产业促进机制和文明的消费引导机制、严格的领导责任机制;

    Environmental protection must establish scientific synthesis policy-making mechanism , perfect legal ensuring mechanism , rational estate promoting mechanism ; civilized consumer guiding mechanism & strict leading responsible mechanism ;

  26. 您还可以将某任务的领导责任委托给其他人,这样,您对该项任务的接受和批准等任务更新工作就可以不再负责。

    You can delegate your lead responsibility for a task to someone else , so you are no longer responsible for receiving and approving task updates for the task .

  27. 我的回答是,大多数人都不希望被同情,我们真正想要的是,一直为国家做贡献,我们想肩负起领导责任并贡献力量。

    My answer is most of us really don 't want sympathy What we really want is continuing serving our country , take the leadership we have and keep serving .

  28. 现在我们党内还有不少的同志,甚至还有一些负相当领导责任的同志,仍然犯着不愿意或者不善于同党外人士合作的毛玻。

    At present , however , a good many Party comrades , including some in fairly high leading positions , are either reluctant or unaccustomed to co-operating with non-Party people .

  29. 通常情况下,职位更高意味着需承担领导责任:你需要带领、激励你的团队,为团队思考新的发展方向。

    Often , positions in the higher levels come with leadership responsibilities : you need to command and inspire your team and think of new directions to take your team in .

  30. 父亲不但要负经济、道德等方面的连带责任,而且要被社会和家庭全方位地追究“领导责任”。

    Fathers not only bear joint financial and moral obligations , but also are called to account for failure of leadership in paternal responsibility by family and society as a whole .