
  • 网络cervical spine;Cervical spine fracture;fracture of cervical vertebra
  1. 颈前路手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位30例疗效观察

    Observation of therapeutic effects of treating lower cervical spine fracture and dislocation on 30 cases by anterior approach

  2. 方法:对115例颈椎骨折脱位患者进行颈前路减压、复位、植骨融合、钛钢前路颈椎锁定钢板(AO系统,Spine-tech,Orion系统)内固定。

    Methods One hundred and fifteen patients with fracture and dislocation of lower cervical spine treated by cervical anterior decompression , reduction , iliac crest autograft , fixed with cervical anterior locking plate ( AO , spine-tech , Orion ) .

  3. MRI在急性颈椎骨折并发椎间盘突出中的应用

    The application of MRI to the diagnosis of acute spine injury complicating with disc herniation

  4. CCD枕颈内固定器治疗上颈椎骨折

    Occipital-cervical CCD in the treatment of upper cervical fracture

  5. 方法对113例颈椎骨折采用螺旋CT进行薄层扫描和三维重建进行诊断。

    Methods Three-dimensional ( 3D ) CT imaging reconstruction was performed using Helical CT in 113 case of cervical spine fractures .

  6. 前路钢板加钛网融合金属置入物治疗颈椎骨折脱位23例:X射线及1年随访评价

    Anterior locking plates with titanium mesh in treatment of 23 patients with cervical fractures and dislocations : X-ray and 1-year follow-up evaluations

  7. 腰胸部X光以及计算机断层扫描结果显示四位患者有压缩性骨折……已进行后路椎体融合植入物固定手术……所有患者都恢复良好,除了一位颈椎骨折的患者。

    Examination of the thoracolumbar X-ray andcomputed tomography displayed compression fractures in four patients ... Posterior instrumentation was applied ... All patients recovered well exceptfor the one with cervical fracture .

  8. 方法对3例颈椎骨折合并高位截瘫和2例脊髓型颈椎病患者施行颈椎前路减压植骨融合及Orion钢板内固定。

    Methods 3 cervical spinal fractures and 2 cervical spondylous myelopathy were treated by anterior decompression , autografting and Orion plate fixation .

  9. 方法采用6种不同的内固定方法,于伤后1~5d内治疗不同类型的颈椎骨折脱位伴颈髓损伤34例,并进行术前术后临床比较。

    Methods 34 patients with cervical injury were treated with internal fixation using 6 different devices within 1 ~ 5 days after the injury .

  10. 结论Halo-vest支架治疗急诊外伤造成的颈椎骨折及脱位,简单,安全,有效,经济,是治疗急性颈椎骨折及脱位的一种较好的治疗手段。

    Conclusion Halo-vest method is simple , safe , efficient and economical in the treatment of acute traumatic cervical fracture and dislocation .

  11. 方法分析16例小儿下颈椎骨折脱位患者,采用前路或后路切开减压复位植骨内固定术,术前、术后用Frankel神经功能评估法比较手术疗效。

    Methods 16 cases of children lower cervical spine fractures and dislocations were undergone open decompression , reduction , bone graft , and internal fixation . The pre-and post-operative Frankel neural function grading was studied .

  12. 方法本组7例,年龄12~56岁,C1、2椎体结核3例,第二颈椎骨折(HangmanⅢ型)3例,C2、3、C3、4椎间盘突出症1例。

    Methods There were seven patients . The age was 12 to 56 years old . C 1 2 tuberculosis was in three patients , hangman fracture ( tape ⅲ) was in three patients and C 2 3 , C 3 4 disc herniation was in one patient .

  13. 外侧块螺钉内固定术治疗颈椎骨折脱位

    Treatment for Fracture-dislocation of Cervical Spine with Lateral Mass Screw Fixation

  14. 小儿下颈椎骨折脱位的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of children lower cervical spine fracture and dislocation

  15. 第二颈椎骨折脱位的手术治疗及其进展

    The fracture dislocation of axis : surgical treatment and its progress

  16. 下颈椎骨折脱位的围手术期治疗

    The treatment of lower cervical fractures and dislocations during perioperative period

  17. 后前路联合手术治疗难复性下颈椎骨折脱位

    Surgery through posterior-anterior approach to treat fracture-dislocation of inferior cervical vertebrae

  18. 颌面部外伤合并颈椎骨折的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Maxillofacial Trauma combined with Cervical Spine Fracture

  19. 颈椎骨折急诊手术后呼吸道和胃肠道管理

    Management of respiratory and gastrointestinal systems after emergent operation of cervical fractures

  20. 一体化钢板前路系统治疗颈椎骨折、脱位及失稳

    Treatment of fracture - dislocation - instability of cervical spine by PCB

  21. 前路钉板系统在颈椎骨折脱位早期手术中的应用

    Early operation with anterior screw-plate system for cervical spine fracture and dislocation

  22. 前路三维旋转复位治疗下颈椎骨折脱位

    Anterior " three-dimensional rotation reduction " for lower cervical fracture and dislocation

  23. 手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位合并脊髓损伤

    Surgical Treatment of Lower Cervical Fracture-Dislocation with Spinal Cord Injury

  24. 颈椎骨折脱位内固定治疗方式的选择

    Selection of the Internal Fixation for Cervical Fracture and Dislocation

  25. 颈僵硬畸形的强直性脊柱炎患者并颈椎骨折脱位的手术入路选择

    Selection of surgical approach for cervical fracture-dislocation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

  26. 前路手术治疗严重下颈椎骨折脱位

    Surgical treatment of severe lower cervical fractures and dislocations by anterior approach

  27. 颈椎骨折脱位合并椎动脉损伤

    Vertebral artery injuries associated with fracture and dislocation of the cervical spine

  28. 下颈椎骨折脱位的手术方式选择与疗效分析

    Surgical Approaches for Treatment of the Lower Cervical Vertebral Fracture and Dislocation

  29. 颈椎骨折病人翻身的舒适护理

    Comfort nursing on turning the body over for patients with cervical vertebrae fracture

  30. 急性颈椎骨折并发椎间盘突出的诊断和治疗

    The diagnosis and treatment of acute cervical spine fracture complicated with disc herniation