
  • 网络channel specialization
  1. 第三章,研究频道专业化背景下以CCTV-5为代表的央视各类专业体育频道的发展情况,同时对比地方专业体育频道的发展状况并分析中央电视视体育频道的优势所在。

    Chapter three expounds on the development of various CCTV sports channels represented by CCTV-5 , under the background of channel specialization . The developing status of local specialized sports channels is also compared to illustrate the superiority of CCTV sports channels .

  2. 电视频道专业化的再思考

    Rethoughts on TV Channel Specialization

  3. 电视频道专业化背景下的CCTV-5频道研究

    The Study on CCTV-5 from the Perspective of TV Channel Profession

  4. 论北京的电视频道专业化发展

    The Status of Specialized Television Channels in Beijing and its Future Development

  5. 我国地方电视台频道专业化受众缺席问题及应对措施

    Specialization of Our Local TV Channel Audience 's Absent Problem and Practice

  6. 观众取向与电视频道专业化

    Watching Trend of TV Viewer and Specialization of TV Channel

  7. 论中国省级卫星电视频道专业化

    On the Specialization of Chinese Provincial Satellite Television Channels

  8. 中国电视频道专业化研究

    A Study of Specialization of TV Channel in China

  9. 2003年,国内电视频道专业化的步伐明显加快。

    Step into 2003 , the TV channel 's specialization was obviously speed up .

  10. 本论文重点研究中国电视频道专业化的问题,总共分为三大部分。

    This thesis , which includes three sections , mostly studies the specialization of TV channel .

  11. 从注意力经济看我国电视频道专业化

    Seeing the Professionalization of China 's TV channels from the Perspective of " Attention Economy "

  12. 在理论上,电视频道专业化与市场营销学的市场细分理论密切相美。

    Theoretically , the TV channel specialization has close connection with the theory of " market segmentation " .

  13. 第五章论述了发展节目经营对电视媒体的影响。节目经营可以促进媒体的改革,制播分离、频道专业化、频道制改革都是与节目经营的发展相辅相成、互相促进的。

    The 5th chapter expounded the influence to the TV mass media about the developing of the program managing .

  14. 随着我国频道专业化的发展,受众分众化的趋势日益明显。

    With the further development of our country 's TV channel specialization , the mass specification is becoming more and more obvious .

  15. 法律法规的制订和实施,将促使电视购物行业向频道专业化、形态多样化、行业协会化三个方向发展。

    Laws and regulations of the development and implementation will enable the industry to have three changes : specialization , diversification and trade association .

  16. 频道专业化发展要在舆论导向、节目设置、收视率、制播制度、付费电视等方面进行拓展。

    It should be further developed in the aspects of leading public opinions , program setting , audience rating , editing and broadcasting system and pay TV etc.

  17. 文章从世界电视频道专业化的起源与现状入手,分析我国电视频道专业化的发展现状。

    The paper begins with the Origination and current situation of worldwide television channel professionalized process , analyze the current situation of television channel professionalized process in our country .

  18. 提出了电视传媒频道专业化势在必行,阐述了其赖以真正实现的背景依托的四个支撑点。

    This paper points out that it is necessary for channel to specialize and illustrates the four strong points of background on which channel specialization can be realized truly .

  19. 卫星电视和有线电视技术的发展使频道专业化成为可能;频道专业化是电视台资源配置优化的结果。

    The development of technique of satellite TV and cable TV make the specialization possible , specialization of the channel is the result of excellent allocation to resources in TV station .

  20. 电视频道专业化其实质是在媒体竞争中细分市场,形成专业化品牌并占领市场,因此频道专业化前景广阔。

    The nature of TV channel specialization lies in the sub-division of markets in media competition , formation of specialized brands and occupation of markets , and so there is a broad prospect for specialization .

  21. 随着频道专业化、制播分离、数字付费电视等的发展,民营电视的发展前景渐趋明朗。

    Along with the development of the frequency channel specialization , the separation of manufactures and broadcast , the Digital Pay TV and so on , the privately operated television prospects for development quite reveal bright .

  22. 文章结语部分预测了我国电视频道专业化的前进方向,指出我国细分化专业频道目前所处的位置和频道细分要经历逐步发展的过程。

    The conclusion predicts the direction of progress in television channel specialization , points out the position of subdivided specialized channel and the progressive development course that channel subdivision needs to go through in our country .

  23. 在这种背景下,频道专业化运作与专业化频道营销,正是适应了我国当代文化的多元化趋势与受众市场巨大变化的必然结果。

    Under this background , the channel specialization and the specialized channel marketing , was adapted to the inevitable results of our country present age , the culture multiplex tendency and the numerous market huge changes .

  24. 各地方电视台要以频道专业化为契机,更新节目生产、编播观念,改变原来综合频道千台一面的模式,对节目进行本土化运营。

    At this juncture , all local TV stations should renew their concepts in programme production , edition and broadcasting to change the stereotyped mode imitated the multiple channels , and to run their own programmes locally .

  25. 随着新媒体时代的到来,我国电视业取得了巨大的成就,电视台数量增多、电视节目质量提高、内容多元化、形态多样化、电视频道专业化等等。

    Along with the coming of new media age , TV industry in China has achieved great achievements in increasing the number of channels , improving program quality , diversifying program form and content , and developing professional channels .

  26. 本文将从分析频道专业化的背景及现状入手进行实例比较,从而得出如何更好的构建与包频道的形象,使频道经营取得成功。

    This article will carry on the example comparison from the analysis of channel specialization background and present situation , thus derive how to construct a better channel image , and thereby help the channel management to obtain the success .

  27. 本论文研究了电视行业发展历程、经营模式,经营环境,电视产品特性,分析了我国电视产业经营现状和主流经营模式,探讨了频道专业化经营策略。

    This dissertation is studied on the development of TV industry , the feature of TV products , operation mode , situation , the analysis of current TV industry and main operation mode , the discussion of operation strategy of specialized channel .

  28. 这些问题可通过制播分离、网台分离、频道专业化等措施,整合广电、电信部门之间的利益,改革广电管理体制来解决。

    It also tries to find out the countermeasures , for example , the separation of facture and play , net and station , the specialization of TV channels , the adjustment of broadcast television and telecommunication , and reforming television management system , etc.

  29. 电视业的发展和受众市场的变化使得电视频道专业化成为必然,从90年代开始,电视专业化频道的步伐在我国不断加快,众多的专业频道层出不穷。

    Development and making television channel specialization become inevitable by the change of many markets of the TV industry , since the 1990s , the paces on the specialized channel of the TV are accelerated constantly in our country , numerous professional channels emerge in an endless stream .

  30. 电视业在经历了产业化、集团化,再到如今的频道专业化,这既是现代科学技术提供强大技术支持、受众群体变化和媒体竞争激烈的要求,也是电视体制改革的方向。

    TV industry develops from industrialization , grouping and the current specialization of TV channel . It is the demand from the changes of many groups and the fierce competition of media industry supported by contemporary science and technology , and it is the direction of reform in TV system .