
  • 网络channel packaging;Channel branding
  1. 于是,频道包装的重要性便凸现出来。

    Therefore , the importance of channel packaging stands out .

  2. 电视频道包装早已有之,现在已发展至品牌包装阶段。

    TV channel packaging has long been , and now has developed to brand packaging stage .

  3. 第三章,现代女性频道包装文字方案。

    Chapter III , the modern female channel program packaging text .

  4. 论电视频道包装制作的切入点

    Breakthrough Point of the Packaging and Programming of Television Channel

  5. 电视频道包装的运作和营销这四个方面进行研究,以期为国内电视频道的整体包装提供借鉴。

    The management and marketing of the TV channel package .

  6. 电视频道包装的运作模式和经营理念

    The Mode of Operation and Concept of Management on the TV Channel Package

  7. 传统设计元素在频道包装中的运用有着现实意义。

    Traditional design elements used in the channel in the package has practical significance .

  8. 电视频道包装的核心内涵和品牌建设

    Television Channel Overall Packaging Intension and Grade Construction

  9. 第二部分是在线包装系统与齐鲁电视台频道包装。

    The second part is the line packaging systems and Qilu TV channel packages .

  10. 进而将电视频道包装中的画面构成划分为动态视觉、元素构成两个方面。

    And then the screen constitute a TV channel packaging divided into two aspects of dynamic visual elements .

  11. 正是在这一背景下,国外电视业中广为流行的电视频道包装被引入到国内,它的运营理念与模式成为国内众多电视台争相学习与模仿的对象。

    In this background , the concept and mode of management of TV channel package becomes a model of TV-set in China .

  12. 频道包装在当今社会这个眼球经济时代是一个热门的话题,也是一个有趣的话题。

    Nowadays the channel package is a popular topic in society of " eyes economic times ", also it is an interesting topic .

  13. 对电视频道包装的制作流程和解决制作电视包装宣传片时遇到的一些技术难点有了大致的了解及分析解决。

    TV channels on the television production process and packaging solutions make television commercials packaging encountered some technical difficulties with the general understanding and analysis solution .

  14. 电视频道包装在视觉传达方面即涉及了图像、色彩、文字三大平面设计元素。

    TV channel package that is involved in the visual communication aspects of the image , color , text , graphic design elements of the three .

  15. 这种频道包装在体现媒体经营理念的同时也成为各电视台争取受众、扩大影响力的一项利器。

    This channel is wrapped in the same time reflects the business philosophy of the media has become for the television audience , to expand the influence of a weapon .

  16. 从多个角度分析地方台的电视频道包装的现状,发现其问题,用科学的电视营销手段,对其进行研究和解决。

    From various angles analysis of local TV channels package to Taiwan the status quo , found problems , using scientific means of television marketing , its study and solution .

  17. 电视频道包装是指当前媒体经营迅速产业化、集团化的大背景下,借鉴商业经营领域的包装理念和运作模式,将具有不同功能的包装要素运用到电视媒体自身的一种营销模式。

    The TV channel package is the marketing mode in the situation that the media industrialized and collectivized fast , and it uses for reference of concept of package in commercial realm .

  18. 但是,还是存在精品节目缺乏,频道包装水平不高,广告管理混乱,产业化水平低等问题。

    It still faces the problem of the lack of top-class program , the low packing level of the channel , the mess management of the ads and the low level of the production .

  19. 目前,学术界关于频道包装的著作较多,而缺少对电视包装要素之一的宣传片做深入的调查分析,对频道形象宣传片的研究就更少了。

    Currently , there are a lot of writings concerning the channel packing in academic circles , but want for thorough research on promo which is one of the main factors of television packing .

  20. 为了给电视频道包装一个系统、科学的概说与界定,同时在此基础上形成一个具有可操作性的模式与规程,本文从:一、中国电视频道包装的兴起和发展;

    For providing a systemic concept and a mode to the TV channel package in China , this paper researches it from four aspect : 1 . the history of development on the TV channel package ;

  21. 本文最后还对电视频道包装面临的问题及未来的发展趋势进行了探讨分析,并对本设计项目做出了总结,提出了项目中的不足。

    This thesis also explores and analyzes the problem faced by TV channel program packaging and its development trend in the future and finally , this thesis makes a summary of this research object and proposes the deficiency in the project .

  22. 通过对儿童电视频道包装三个最重要的元素的分析,得出自己在儿童电视频道包装视觉传达方面的一些看法和认知,而这些看法和认知是可以指导我们现有工作的。

    But by the analysis packing the most important three elements to children television channel , reach self some view and cognition in the field of these , that these view composes in reply cognition is to be able to guide us to now have a job ' s.

  23. CIS战略成功导入电视频道整体包装中,对于媒体市场来讲不仅仅有战略意义,更重要的是有非常强的实际意义。

    CIS strategy for the success of television channels into the overall package , not just for the media market in terms of strategic significance , more importantly , there is a very strong practical significance .

  24. 频道后期包装设计与实现&现代女性频道后期包装案例

    The Post-packaging Design of Channel and the Case of Mod-ern Female Channel

  25. 第四章节,频道后期包装详细设计,详细说明项目的具体实施。

    The fourth chapter , the detailed design of the Channel late packaging to elaborate on the specific implementation of the project .

  26. 电视包装也逐渐从零散的局部行为走向全局统筹,频道整合包装的基本格局已经形成。

    TV package also gradually go from the fragmented local behavior of the global co-channel integrated package of basic pattern has been formed .

  27. 根据在线包装系统对齐鲁电视台的频道进行包装这一工作流程,对频道包装的自主性和原创性进行探索。

    According to On-line packaging systems for Qilu TV channel packaging this work process , the autonomy of the channel branding and originality to explore .

  28. 本论文的主要工作是从电视包装的学术领域、其他频道往年包装作品、本人实际频道已应用的包装作品三个方向正面分析和进一步侧面补充。

    The main work of this article from the academic field of television packaging , packaging of other channels work in previous years . I have applied the actual channel package works in three directions and further analysis of the front side to add .

  29. 电视频道形象宣传片就是频道包装中的一个重要环节。

    Television channel 's image promo is an important link in the channel 's packing .

  30. 建立高效的运行机制,增加对广播电视硬件的投入,强化频道的专业意识,重视频道品牌的整体包装等多方面,来提高农业电视节目的传播效果。

    Increase the construction toward the broadcast television hardware , raise the consciousness that the channel profession turn , emphasize whole packing of the channel brand , raise the dissemination result of the agriculture television program .