
  • 网络Temporal rhytidectomy;temporal lifting
  1. 液化石油气的堆埋贮存U字埋线法颞部除皱术

    The mounding type LPG storage tank Temporal rhytidectomy by U-shaped buried sutures

  2. U字埋线法颞部除皱术埋弧法精炼技术的应用

    Temporal rhytidectomy by U-shaped buried sutures Application of Technology for Submerged Arc Foaming Slag

  3. 肿胀麻醉法额颞部除皱术25例分析

    Analysis of tumefaction anesthesia therapy in 25 cases of frontal-temporal rhytidectomy

  4. 折叠眼轮匝肌的颞部除皱术

    Folding eyes rounds of temple department of muscle reduce wrinkle surgery

  5. 多层次颞部除皱术不同颞部除皱术式对秃发影响的比较

    Pedicled multi-layer temporal rhytidectomy Comparison on alopecia severity in different temporal rhytidectomy

  6. 多层次颞部除皱术带参数的多结点样条

    Pedicled multi-layer temporal rhytidectomy Many-Knot Spline with A Parameter

  7. 目的:探讨额颞部除皱术治疗额颞部皮肤老化的缝合方法及临床效果。

    Objective To study a new method of incision closure in forehead and temporal rhytidectomy .

  8. 眉区解剖在经眉额颞部除皱术中的应用与研究

    The practice and research of eyebrow anatomy in the operation relieving frontotemporal wrinkle through eyebrow

  9. 结果本组患者15例,额颞部除皱术10例,全面除皱术5例。

    Results Among 15 cases .

  10. 结论:内窥镜下额、颞部除皱术同传统面部除皱手术相比具有很多优点,可以推广使用。

    Conclusion Endoscopic forehead and temple lifting is superior than traditional rhytidoplasty and can be used widely .

  11. 结论内窥镜下的额颞部除皱术具有效果良好、并发症少等优点,是额颞部除皱可供选择的方法。

    Conclusion the frontotemporal rhytidectomy with endoscope has nice effecacy and less complications , it is the choice measure in the frontotemporal rhytidectomy .

  12. 方法:从2003年到2004年,施行内窥镜下额、颞部除皱术28例。

    Methods From 2003 to 2004 , endoscopic forehead and temple lifting was applied to 28 cases . The small incision were made in the scalp .

  13. 额颞部提紧除皱术32例。

    32 with frontotemporal lifting with mini incision by embedding suturing .

  14. 眉上下及颞部皮肤切除除皱术

    Skin excision at the superior and inferior margin of the eyebrow and temple for rhytidectomy

  15. 改良法额颞部小切口除皱术

    Modified frontotemporal rhytidectomy with small incision

  16. 结果经1~2年随访发现,该法用于颞部凹陷的除皱术的治疗,能获得满意的远期外形,使面部轮廓得以改善。

    Results Postoperative follow up for 1 ~ 2 years showed that the method used in subperiosteal facelift combined with temporal depression could obtain a satisfactory long term full contour and improve the facial contour .

  17. 结果:在过去的5年中,此缝合方法应用于56例额颞部或全颜面除皱术。

    Results During the past 5 years , this method have been applied in 56 patients who underwent forehead and temporal or whole face rhytidectomy .

  18. 颞浅筋膜瓣充填颞部凹陷在除皱术中的应用

    Application of superficial temporal fascia flap in reconstruction of temporal depression

  19. 方法采用经头皮冠状切口颧骨、颧弓截骨术(16例),并同时进行颞部填充(2例),额、颞部除皱术(2例)。

    Methods Ostectomy of the prominent malar and zygoma were performed through coronal scalp incision on 16 cases and augmentation of the temporal ( 2 cases ) and frontal temporal face lift ( 2 cases ) at the same time .