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chàn yīn
  • trill;trill(s);shake;shake(s)
颤音 [chàn yīn]
  • [trill(s);shake(s)] 为增加嗓音或乐音的表现力而加的轻微的震颤效果,由所发音的微小快速的音高变化构成

颤音[chàn yīn]
  1. 威伯听到了树蟾的颤音和不时传来的开关厨房门的声音。

    Wilbur heard the trill of the tree toad and the occasional slamming of the kitchen door .

  2. 当音量稳定下来后,富有色彩的颤音时不时出现,从未停止

    As soon as the volume steadies itself , the trill begins to descend chromatically , never resting .

  3. 我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。

    I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato .

  4. 她边工作边用颤音唱歌。

    She warbled as she worked .

  5. 你的声音里有一种颤音,

    And your voice had a quaver in it ,

  6. 母亲笑着,拥抱一下小孩安慰说,“亲爱的,不可以。我得睡在爸爸的房间。”一阵长长的沉默之后,男孩小声地用颤音说:“重色轻友。”

    The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring2 hug . " I can 't , dear . " She said , " I have to sleep in Daddy 's room . " Along silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice : " The big sissy . "

  7. 专辑里有首曲子叫《科兹莫空气》(Cozmo’sAir),是舒缓的颤音,她听了就平静地坐下来。

    Listening to the track " Cozmo 's Air , " built upon soothing vibrato sounds , she sat still .

  8. 随着时间推移,不断的训练使她可以运用高超的气息控制技巧来发音,无颤音hold住14秒单音。

    Over time her training has allowed her to add superb breath control to her vocal skills allowing her to hold a note for up to 14 seconds either with or without a vibrato quality to the note .

  9. 为什么要练习所有组合而颤音只需要pami一种就可以了。

    Why all these combos when all you need isp-am-i ?

  10. 颤音唱歌中的颤音,通常指过度的或控制不好的。

    A vibrato in singing , often excessive or poorly controlled .

  11. 突然,从底部传来一声轻微的颤音。

    Suddenly , there was a slight trembling sound from below .

  12. 用颤音发(声),用颤音唱或奏。

    To sound , sing , or play with a trill .

  13. 大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。

    The vibrant Notes of a cello , contralto , canary .

  14. 我,不习惯用甜美的颤音柔声啼啭

    I have not felt to warble and trill , however sweetly

  15. 带颤音发出(声音)

    To articulate ( a sound ) with a trill .

  16. 例如演奏中滑音、颤音、音色等的特殊性。

    For example , playing vibrato , tone , and glide particularity .

  17. 第一幕结尾处那段著名的管弦乐颤音。

    The famous orchestra trill at the end of the first act .

  18. 她们边跑边喊,那少女的颤音好不欢快。

    They came running , crying out joyously in trilling girlish voices .

  19. 她用西班牙语中的颤音r's。

    She used rolling r 's as in Spanish .

  20. 这些模板在短时长的颤音中很有效。

    These templates are in a very short length of the vibrato effect .

  21. 产生温和的颤音作用的调音器。

    An organ stop producing a gentle tremolo effect .

  22. 整个歌曲他是用高颤音唱的。

    He warbled his way through the song .

  23. 这些奥地利人正在山上用颤音唱。

    The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains .

  24. 用颤音发(某字母)的音

    Pronounce ( a letter ) with a trill

  25. 雄性海豹能发出的有旋律的颤音,在水下能传播数里。

    Males are known for their melodic trills , which travel many miles underwater .

  26. 颤音两个相距一个音或半个音的音的迅速交替。

    The rapid alternation of two tones either a whole or a half tone apart .

  27. 他说话带有一点爱尔兰的小舌颤音。

    He had a slight Irish burr .

  28. 我再多加点颤音如何?

    What if I added more vibrato ?

  29. 雨果用颤音唱出了他的感谢,把药放进他的靴子里,便扬长而去。

    Having warbled his thanks and put the potions in his boots , Hugo departed .

  30. 10.发出高声调的颤音

    10 . Emitting a high-pitched trill