
  • 网络the eye of the storm
  1. 怀特的小说《风暴眼》讲述了一个女富翁亨特太太在弥留之际与自己儿女抢夺财产的矛盾冲突。

    Australian novelist Patrick Whites novel The Eye of the Storm tells how a dying female millionaire Mrs.

  2. 他的小说《风暴眼》在1973年出版,同年凭借这部作品获得了举世瞩目的诺贝尔文学奖。

    His novel The Eye of the Storm was published in 1973 , and he won the Nobel Prize for literature in the same year .

  3. “不管它是什么,我们都会关注风暴眼找出它为什么会在那里。”

    " Whatever it is , we 're going to focus on the eye of this storm and find out why it 's there . "

  4. 它们移动到了风暴眼,因为这些动物最清楚只有最适合的角斗士才能在致命的舞台中上演奇迹。

    They gravitate to the eye of the storm , knowing that only the fittest gladiators can make a stand at the middle of the deadly arena .

  5. 由于帕特里克·怀特在他的小说中熟练运用了意识流技巧,所以他被公认为澳大利亚最出色的小说家之一,他的小说《风暴眼》被视为是澳大利亚最重要的一部意识流小说。

    White is regarded as one of the most outstanding Australian novelists because of his employment of the stream-of-consciousness technique in some of his novels , and The Eye of the Storm is said to be the most important stream-of-consciousness novel in Australian literature .

  6. 风暴之眼-移动到元素浩劫以前的位置。

    Eye of the Storm-Moved over to Elemental Devastation 's former location .

  7. 我可是有见识过风暴之眼的

    I 've seen the eye of the storm !

  8. 风暴之眼:此技能现在在萨满处于坐姿时也可以被触发。

    Eye of the Storm : This talent can now trigger while the Shaman is sitting .

  9. 我们总认为,在龙卷风来临的时候,最安全的地方就是中心地带--风暴之眼。

    It has always been assumed that when it comes to tornadoes , the most peaceful place is the centre : the eye of the storm .

  10. 不过,正如Sikka指出的那样,印度目前还不能从风暴中心“眼”中获取数据,而那是决定飓风运动的关键。

    But as Sikka points out , India cannot yet collect data from the central'eye'of the storm , and that 's what dictates a cyclone 's movement .

  11. 不管是心灵还是肉体上她最终回到了风暴中最宁静的地方&风暴眼。

    No matter from her soul or her body , she returned the most quiet place & the eye of the storm after she died .