
  • 网络pretty woman
  1. TLC电视台在2000名英国成年人中发起了这项调查,该电视台发言人称:“接吻是电影中的重要场景,研究哪个接吻镜头最具影响力是很有意思的事情。”《风月俏佳人》中的防火梯之吻位列第四。

    A spokesman for TLC , who conducted the research of 2000 UK adults , said : ' Kisses are such a big part of movies so it 's fascinating to see which ones have had the biggest impact .

  2. 我们都看过《风月俏佳人》和《吻别》。

    We 've seen both A Prelude to a Kiss and A Kiss Before Dying .

  3. 在电影《风月俏佳人》里,朱莉娅•罗伯茨遭到贝弗利·希尔斯的一家服装店店员的粗鲁对待,因为店员认为她买不起店里昂贵的衣服。

    In the movie " Pretty Woman , " Julia Roberts ' character is treated rudely by a salesperson in a Beverly Hills store who believes she can 't afford to shop for expensive clothing .