
  • 网络Wind turbine blades;wind blade
  1. 风电叶片材料双酚F环氧树脂的合成研究

    Synthesis of New Wind Power Blade Material Bisphenol F Epoxy Resin

  2. 基于CFD和BEM方法的风电叶片强度分析比较

    Comparison between strength analysis of wind turbine blades based on CFD and BEM

  3. FD型平衡阀在风电叶片模具液压翻转机构上的应用

    The Application of FD Counterbalance Valve in Hydraulically-driven Upturning Mechanism Serving the Wind Power Blade Dies

  4. 结合该大型风电叶片的整体成型,本文分析了VIMP工艺的工艺性能、流道设计和缺陷形成机理,为VIMP工艺过程设计和改进提供了参考依据。

    According to the integrally manufacturing process , the processing properties of VIMP and the cause of defect formation were analyzed , which provides a useful reference for VIMP design and modification .

  5. 大型风电叶片的模态测试与数值模拟

    Modal testing and numerical simulation of large wind turbine blade

  6. 复合材料风电叶片专用树脂体系流变特性

    Rheological Behavior of Resin System for Composite Wind Blades

  7. 关于风电叶片长度的设计及影响因素

    Blade Length Design and Influence Factors of Wind Turbine

  8. 风电叶片模具液压翻转机构液压缸支点位置的设计

    Determination of support point position for hydraulic cylinder from hydraulic turnover mechanism for wind turbine 's blade mold

  9. 风电叶片工作环境差,要求其具有较高的耐候性及易加工成型等各项性能。

    Wind turbine blades had poor working environment , so it need higher performance of weatherability and easily processed .

  10. 竹青板作为风电叶片复合材料增强相的性能评价

    Evaluation of Strength Grading the Board of Green Covering of Bamboo as the Reinforcement of Wind Turbine Blades Composite Materials

  11. 玻纤是风电叶片中的重要原料,巨石集团是最早进入这一领域的国内玻纤企业。

    Fiberglass is an important raw material for making wind mill blades and Jushi is one of the earliest domestic fiberglass manufactures to enter wind energy market .

  12. 风力发电是国家鼓励和发展的新能源项目,风电叶片是风力发电装置的核心。

    Wind power generate electricity is encouraged and developed by the state , wind turbine blades of wind power generate electricity is one of the core equipment .

  13. 用这种先进生物质复合材料制作的新一代风电叶片,具有可再生性、加工消耗能源少、无废弃物、成本低、废旧产品易于处理等一系列优点。

    This new materials have many advantages , such as renewable , less dissipation of energy , low cost , no waste and the worn-out products can be disposed easily .

  14. 风电叶片露天工作,在承受强风载荷、砂粒冲刷、紫外线照射、大气氧化与腐蚀、酸盐腐蚀、材料成本等方面有较高的要求。

    Wind turbine blades work outdoors , so it need a higher request in the something of sustain Strong wind load , sand erosion , ultraviolet radiation , atmospheric oxidation and corrosion , acid corrosion , material costs .

  15. 在市场需求不断加大的今天,如何选择正确恰当的生产模式,保证生产在大规模制造的情况下稳定可控,是风电叶片生产企业提高生产绩效并且立足市场的重要问题。

    The increasing demand in the market today , how to choose the correct appropriate production mode , guarantee the stable production , production resources efficiently controlled by production enterprises , wind-power blades is to improve performance and based on the market .

  16. 在这种长期看好,短期严重过剩行业发展背景下,辨清行业发展趋势,及时优化调整风电叶片产品结构,适应市场需求,先求得企业生存显得尤为迫切与重要。

    In this " long-term bullish , short-term serious excess " industry development background , discern the development of the industry trend , timely optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure of wind-power blades , to meet the market demand , get the enterprise survival seems particularly urgent and important .

  17. 开展风电机组叶片结构铺层设计方面的研究对提高叶片的安全性、可靠性具有重要的意义。首先研究了复合材料风电机组叶片结构的铺层设计方法。

    The study on wind turbine blade structure layer design is of important significance to improve safety and reliability of the blade . Firstly , lay-up design method of the composite wind turbine blade structure is studied in the paper .

  18. 计算中采用的风电场数学模型考虑了风电机组的叶片、轮毂、齿轮箱和连轴器以及异步发电机的特性。

    The mathematical model of wind turbine applied in the calculation takes account of characteristics of the blades , hub , gearbox , shaft and asynchronous generator .

  19. 在已有后缘为钝形双叶片风电机组噪声预测模型基础上,结合我国风电机组叶片形状及其辐射噪声的频谱特性等,对预测模型进行了修正。

    Based on the blade shape and the radiated noise frequency spectrum of wind turbines in China , the noise prediction model for wind turbines with blunt trailing edges was modified .

  20. 随着技术的发展,风电机组向着大型化的方向发展,这对风电机组及叶片的分析与设计提出了更高的精度要求。

    As technology develops , the wind turbine and blade are becoming larger and larger , so the analysis and design require a higher accuracy .