
  • 网络wind erosion;wind abrasion;aeolian erosion
  1. 植被的防治风蚀作用

    Roles of vegetation in wind erosion control : A research review

  2. 风蚀作用下的土壤碳库变化及在中国的初步估算

    The influence of wind erosion on soil organic carbon pool and an assessment in China

  3. 灌木林盖度对风沙土风蚀作用的影响

    Influence of Shrub Coverage on the Wind Erosion of Sandy Soil

  4. 植被对风沙土风蚀作用的影响

    Influences of vegetation cover on the wind erosion of sandy soil

  5. 焉耆盆地土壤风蚀作用试验初报

    On Test of Wind Erosion for Soil in Yanji Basin of Xinjiang , China

  6. 净风对土壤风蚀作用较小,但在挟沙风作用下,风蚀强烈。

    Soil erosion was less when wind only , but more when sand carring wind .

  7. 公园面积398平方公里。它主要是风蚀作用形成的雅丹地貌景观。

    Covering an area of398 square kilometres , it mainly consists of Yadan geomorphologiclandscapes formed by wind eolation .

  8. 昆仑山高原面上的风沙土植被对风沙土风蚀作用的影响

    The aeolian sand soil on plateau plane of Kunlun Mountains influences of vegetation cover on the wind erosion of sandy soil

  9. 植被盖度对风沙土风蚀作用的影响可划分为3种程度类型:大于60%为轻度风蚀和无风蚀;

    According to its influences on wind erosion intensity , vegetation coverage falls into 3 intensity categories : > 60 % is nonerodible to slightly erodible ;

  10. 结果表明,空气动力学粗糙度随植被盖度的增加呈指数增加,摩阻速率随植被覆盖呈二次曲线增加,使地表土壤的抗风蚀作用增强;

    The results indicated that the anti-wind erosion influence of ground surface soil increases under the condition that aerodynamic roughness length increases exponentially and shear velocity increases according to quadratic curve with vegetation coverage increasing .

  11. 风蚀作用是限制排土场植被恢复的主要因素,而一定密度的人工灌丛可以减轻排土场平台的风蚀强度,形成地表凋落物覆盖层,改良土壤,加速植被的恢复。

    Strong wind erosion is a limit factor to vegetation recover in refuse dump , but it can be reduced by artificial glomerate boskage , the litter will be fixed and form cover in bare ground , to fertilize soil and improve plants growth .

  12. 垄作防止土壤风蚀的作用

    Function of ridge culture in preventing wind erosion of soil

  13. 作物残茬与生物篱组合对减轻土壤风蚀的作用

    Effects of crop stubble combined with biological fences on reducing soil wind erosion

  14. ◆不同土地利用类型防治风蚀的作用是不同的。

    The effects of controlling and resisting wind erosion are different in different land utilizing types .

  15. 在覆盖和耕作两因素中,覆盖对减小风蚀的作用最大,地表耕作的作用次之;

    Compared with the residue cover , the effect of surface tillage on soil erosion by wind was not so obvious .

  16. 这种措施既能发挥保护性耕作带残茬降风速、保水土、抗风蚀的作用,并对翻耕带形成保护;

    Stubble strip of conservation tillage can lower wind velocity , conserve water and soil , resist wind erosion and protect strip ploughed land .

  17. 因此,基于水蚀和风蚀双重作用导致的灾害是陕北黄土高原主要的农业灾害类型。

    So , the disease which caused from the wind erosion and water erosion is the most important disasters in farmland of loess plateau .

  18. 植被覆盖对风蚀地表保护作用研究的某些新进展

    Recent progress on the research of vegetation protection in soil erosion by wind

  19. 本文试图从土壤特性变化和风蚀积沙作用方面探讨草原人工造林的重要性。

    Exploration on compaction technology for subgrade made of wind-blown sand in a desert area ;

  20. 沙生植被的增加会显著增加土壤中细粒物质的含量,但多年生草本对风蚀的减缓作用低于灌木;

    More vegetation covers make the soil particle finer in sand land , but the perennial herbage decrease the wind erosion less than shrub .

  21. 由于北大山冰川遗迹中的节理裂隙,受到冰川和流水侵蚀,特别是长期强烈的寒冻风化及风蚀等外动力作用,逐渐形成了现今独特的花岗岩石林。

    Due to those joints within glacial remains were eroded by glacier and running water action , especial exogenous process of frost weathering and wind abrasion for a long time , the unique granite forest was gradually formed nowadays .

  22. 作者首先对新河驿地区的土遗址进行了详细的病害调查、取样和室内试验,结合相关的文献资料,讨论造成该地区遗址墙体差异性风蚀的原因和作用机理。

    This paper carried out a detailed survey , sampling and laboratory test about it , and then to discuss the causes and mechanisms of the different wind erosions , combined with the relevant literatures .

  23. 阴山北部轻度风蚀地区的自然气候变化有增强风蚀作用的趋势,需多加关注;

    The climate changes in lighter wind erosion regions tended to make wind erosion heavier and should be paid more attention .