
  • 网络risk structure
  1. 这样我们就能够对每只股票的风险结构进行分析。

    So we can study the risk structure of each stock .

  2. 这就需要对债券利率风险结构进行分析。

    It must be analyze risk structure of interest rate .

  3. 洪灾综合风险结构与综合评价方法(Ⅰ)宏观方面

    Structure and evaluation of integrated risk for flood disaster (ⅰ) & macro-view

  4. 高技术虚拟企业风险结构解析模型研究

    Research on the interpretative structural model of risks for High-tech virtual enterprise

  5. 市场系统性风险结构和羊群效应本身是有内在联系的。

    There has been a relation between the herd effect and systematic structure .

  6. 债券投资者的选择:利率风险结构的阐述

    The Choice of Bond Investor : Expatiate on Risk Structure of Interest Rate

  7. 风险结构、剩余索取权与公司绩效

    Risk Structure , Residual Claimant Right and Corporation Performance

  8. 基于资本资产定价模型的中国股市风险结构分析

    Analysis on Risk Structure of China 's Stock Market Based on Capital Asset Pricing Model

  9. 这样的发展路径必定会对利率的期限结构和风险结构产生独特的影响。

    Such development path should impact on the term structure and risk structure of interest rates .

  10. 并且研究绝大多数是集中于整个市场的风险结构,较少关注行业间系统性风险结构。

    And these researches mainly focus on the risk structure of the whole market instead of industries .

  11. 基准利率对市场均衡价格的任何偏离,都会通过风险结构和期限结构传导扩散到整个利率体系。

    When interest deviates from equilibrium , it will affect whole interest system through risk-frame and term-frame .

  12. 不同的交易模式,可能形成不同的权益结构与风险结构,也就要求有不同的合作对价安排。

    Different trading patterns may form a various structure and risk structure and it also requires different price arrangements .

  13. 本文在远期鞅测度下,应用信用风险结构模型对循环贷款价格的解析计算进行研究。

    Using forward martingale methods , this paper analytically studies the pricing revolver loan in the framework of credit structural model .

  14. 因此,了解金融集团的风险结构与风险传递机制,具有十分重要的意义和深远的影响。

    Therefore , the understanding of Risk structure and risk transfer mechanism of financial conglomerate is of great significance and far-reaching impact .

  15. 第五章探讨引致中国股票市场风险结构变化的可能原因和进一步分析中国股票市场波动性风险结构同实体经济之间的关系。

    Chapter Five probe into the possible reasons causing the risk structure to change , analyse the relation between volatility and economy further .

  16. 第二部分包括第三章和第四章,回顾利率期限结构的有关理论、模型和利率的风险结构,并就中国的情形进行实证研究,为利率风险管理做好基础工作。

    Chapter three and chapter four are the second part , which research the term structure and risk structure of interest rates empirically .

  17. 根据经验分析的结果,考察中国股票市场风险结构的趋势、特征及其各部分之间的关系。

    According to the result , we investigate the risk change trend , the risk characteristic and relations among every part of the risk .

  18. 而在农业政策性银行目前的风险结构中,最为突出的仍是信贷风险或贷款信用风险。

    For the agricultural policy banks , currently , credit risk or loans credit risk is still the most prominent in their risk structure .

  19. 直到从2000年起,那些结构才开始流行起来,其风险结构在法律层面尚未经历破产或其它程序的考验。

    Those structures have been popular only since 2000 , and their risk structures have not yet been tested legally in bankruptcy or other proceedings .

  20. 各基金由于投资理念、操作方式和管理模式的不同,其运作表现和所面临的收益&风险结构大不相同。

    Because of the deference of investment idea , operation method and management mode , the operation performance and the coming profit-risk structure of each fund is different .

  21. 我国证券市场存在过度投机、市场走势与宏观经济背离、风险结构失衡等问题。

    Chinese Security Market has some problems of the excessive speculation , the divergence between stock market prices and macro-economy as well as the off-balance in risk structure etc.

  22. 沟通会的关注点是风险结构,包括审计标准、风险类别和一个持续的讨论参考框架。

    The focal point of the workshops is the Risk Framework , which provides auditing standards , risk categories and a consistent frame of reference for the discussion .

  23. 研究结果表明:基差对现货和期货风险结构的影响是不对称的,其中负基差对风险结构的影响要大于正基差的影响。

    The results suggest that the basis effect is asymmetric , i.e. , the negative basis has greater impact than the positive basis on the variance and covariance structure .

  24. 包括触发机制设计、返本息比例设计、期限结构设计、利率结构设计、选择发债时机的机制设计、区域结构设计和风险结构设计等七种结构设计。

    There are trigger design , compensation rate design , term structure design , interest structure design , bond issuing timing design , district design and risk structure design .

  25. 信用风险结构模型就是在信用体系发展中诞生的一类主要的信用风险量化模型,为金融机构的信用风险管理提供重要的工具和参考。

    Structural model of credit risk is one important kind of quantitative credit risk model , providing important and useful tools and reference of credit risk management to financial institutions .

  26. 大量国内投资者涌入B股市场,对B股市场的风险结构产生了不可忽略的影响。

    A large number of domestic investors pour into the B-share market , has produced the influence that can 't be ignored on the risk structure of the B-share market .

  27. 另外,电子商务发展受阻的一个重要原因就是电子商务的安全问题,这一问题影响了消费者的决策,也极大地改变了企业的整个风险结构。

    In addition , one important reason for the problem is the security of EB , which affects the decision of consumers and changes the risk frame of enterprise as well .

  28. 在微观管理层面,引入市场竞争机制,通过融资方式创新方式优化风险结构以及完善风险监管过程等。

    As for the micro-management level , the introduction of market competition , optimization of the risk financing structure through innovative ways and improvement of the risk control processes can be effective .

  29. 对各国家或地区的证券市场,特别是新兴证券市场的风险结构进行分析研究历来是各国学者研究的热点,但由于研究时间区间和样本选择的差异使得研究结果间存在不小的差异。

    Research on the risk structure of different countries and regions , especially the emerging stock market has always been the focus . But the results vary largely due to the difference in the sample selection and time horizon .

  30. 并且在诸如股票、利率、股指期货等标的资产的交易市场中,人们往往希望知道标的资产未来价格的波动率,从而知道该资产的未来风险结构。

    The volatility of the future prices of the underlying assets which can be stocks , interest , futures and so on , is a wonder . When one knows the volatility , risk structure of those assets is in hand .