
  • 网络Aircraft Control System;flight control system,flying control system,flight controls
  1. 二次开发UG实现飞机操纵系统零件参数化设计与虚拟装配自动化

    Parametric Design and Automation of Virtual Assembly Based on UG

  2. 飞机操纵系统特性对机动载荷的影响

    The influence of airplane control system properties on the maneuver loads

  3. 飞机操纵系统优化设计软件开发与运动仿真

    Development of Optimization Design Software for Aircraft Control Systems and Kinematics Simulation

  4. 飞机操纵系统是一个控制飞机飞行安全的关键系统。

    Aircraft control system is a key system to ensure flight safety .

  5. 飞机操纵系统与液压系统动态特性的综合分析研究

    Synthetical and Analytical Studies on Dynamic Characteristics of Aircraft Control and Hydraulic Systems

  6. 飞机操纵系统的发展与飞行安全

    The Development of Aircraft Control System and Flight Safety

  7. 飞机操纵系统舵机与助力器运动碰撞研究

    Study of collision between servo mechanism and booster in control systems of aircraft

  8. 飞机操纵系统建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle Control System

  9. 飞机操纵系统的动态刚度及其与舵面耦合固有振动特性分析

    The Analysis of Dynamic Stiffness of Aircraft Control System and Inherent Vibration Characteristics Coupled with Rudder

  10. 在简要回顾飞机操纵系统的发展历史的基础上,详细介绍了光传操纵系统的发展状况和应用前景。

    The situation of development and application prospect of fly-by-light ( FBL ) are introduced in this paper .

  11. 人感系统是飞机操纵系统的重要组成部分,是影响飞机操作性能的主要因素。

    Artificial feel system is an important part of flight control system . Its quality influences the performance of the aircraft .

  12. 现代飞机操纵系统多采用液压伺服系统,这是因为它具有容量大、响应速度快、系统刚度大和控制精度高等突出优点。

    Most modern aircraft control system adopt hydraulic servo equipment , because of outstanding advantages with large capacity , response speed fast , the system stiffness and high-precision control and so on .

  13. 本文在分别研究飞机操纵系统和舵面结构的动态刚度(位移阻抗)基础上,进而得到它们的(?)合固有振动特性。

    Basing on the study of dynamic stiffness ( displacement impedance ) of the aircraft control system and the rudder structure respectively , their coupled inherent vibration characteristics are analyzed in this papar .

  14. 并就现时可能的条件下,建议改善平尾助力器之动态性能,从而改善飞机操纵系统的飞行品质。

    Furthermore , under the existent condition , the paper suggests to improve dynamic characteristic of horizontal tail actuator , so that the improvement of flying quality of JJ-7 aircraft control system can be achieved finally .

  15. 其中,飞机操纵系统是飞行控制的核心组成部分,其静动态操纵特性直接影响到飞行品质与飞行安全。

    Among them , aircraft control system is a core component of the flight control system . Aircraft control system design is a very important part of the aircraft design . Advantages and disadvantages of Control system design have direct impacts on the flight quality and flight safety .

  16. 飞机机械操纵系统(MCS)优化设计

    Optimal design of mechanical control system of aircraft

  17. 介绍了具有较好使用性能和交互性能的飞机发动机操纵系统通用设计软件&ECSOD软件,该软件采用了Windows环境下的VB语言和Fortran语言混合编程技术,在优化计算的同时生成系统运动的动态仿真图。

    It has good usability and interaction performance . This software adopts the mixing programming technique by using VB and Fortran languages in Windows environment . It can produce the dynamic simulating diagram of the system movement on the basis of optimal calculation .

  18. 采用NI公司的LabWindows/CVI软件开发平台,通过ODBC实现LabWindows/CVI和VISUALFOXPRO数据库之间共享数据,设计了某型飞机电传操纵系统联调试验台,并介绍了使用Agilent34970A数据采集/开关单元进行数据采集的方法。

    By using LabWindows / CVI from NI Corporation and Visual FoxPro database , a testbed for Fly-By-Wire ( FBW ) control system , which use ODBC technique is given . Method on how to use Agilent 34970A data acquisition / switch unit to acquire data is also introduced here .

  19. 飞机电传操纵系统多余度电液舵机运动同步性的测试与调整

    Synchronization Testing and Adjustment of the Multi-Channel Electro-hydraulic Servo Actuator

  20. 飞行员说这架飞机对操纵系统反应不灵敏。

    The pilot said the plane did not respond to the controls .

  21. 某型飞机横向操纵系统的飞行安全评估及改进措施

    Flying Security Evaluation and Improving Measures of a Certain Plane Lateral-Directional Control System

  22. 基于行为的故障诊断方法在某型飞机电传操纵系统中的应用

    Applications of an Behavior Based Fault Diagnosis Method in Flight_by_Wire System of an Aircraft

  23. 飞机电传操纵系统安全性分析方法的研究

    Study on System Safety Analysis Methods of the Fly by Wire System of Aircraft

  24. 某型飞机电传操纵系统联调试验台的研制

    Design of a testbed for fly-by-wire control system

  25. 研究了飞机发动机操纵系统地面模拟实验中用力矩电机进行电动加载控制问题。

    Variable structure control was discussed for aircraft engine manipulating system simulator with motor loading .

  26. 飞机机械操纵系统建模

    Modeling of the aircraft mechanical control system

  27. 飞机主操纵系统疲劳试验载荷监控方法研究&应变数据分析法

    A Fatigue Loading Monitoring Method Based on Strain Data Analysis in Primary Flight Control System Fatigue Tests

  28. 在对某型飞机横向操纵系统分析基础上,列举出危害飞行安全的典型故障;

    Based on the analysis of lateral-directional control system of a certain plane , representative fault infecting flying security is specialized ;

  29. 某型飞机电传操纵系统四余度电液舵机模拟器设计电液余度数字阀在船舶液压舵机系统中的应用研究

    The Simulator Design of the Four-channel Electro-hydraulic Servo Actuator Applied Research on the Electro Hydraulic Redundancy Digital Valve in Marine Hydraulic Steering Gear

  30. 通过对某型飞机纵向操纵系统组成、结构及功能分析,将系统分布参数集中化处理,利用等效动态模型法建立了从电动舵机到舵面的数学模型。

    A complete mathematical model of a vehicle control system form Electromechanical Actuator to Elevator is established after analyzing the Elevator mechanical structure of it .