
  • 网络Fevernova
  1. 火流星与最亮的行星一样亮或比其更亮的陨星虽经高科技打造飞火流星难受青睐

    A meteor that is as bright or brighter than the brightest planets . High-tech ball leaves some players flat

  2. 与此同时,曾经为阿迪达斯运动品牌做过宣传的主力球员之一贝克汉姆对“飞火流星”大加赞赏也就不足为奇了。

    The same might go for the praise dished out for the ball by Beckham , one of the main players used to promote Adidas equipment .

  3. 西班牙门将佩德罗·孔特拉斯认为,这个球实在是太“奇怪”了。丹麦守门员索伦森则很沮丧地表示,在“飞火流星”的“帮助”下,这届世界杯会产生更多的进球。

    Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the ball acts " strangely ", while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted glumly that it would probably result in more spectacular goals .

  4. 正在横滨各主要新闻中心执行采访任务的记者们也有机会一试身手,他们可以在罚球点试踢“飞火流星”,目标是踢中球网上的指定位置。

    Journalists at the main press centre in Yokohama have been given the chance to try out the Fevernova from the penalty spot , with the aim of hitting special targets in the goal .