
fēi pán
  • Frisbee;flying disc;flying saucer
飞盘[fēi pán]
  1. 飞盘是一种碟形塑料盘。

    The frisbee is a light plastic disc , shaped like a plate .

  2. 今年27岁的英国终极飞盘国家队队员西昂斯昆(sionscone)表示,拥有4万个座位的高雄体育馆,“无疑”是有史以来最宏伟的飞盘比赛场地。

    Sion scone , 27 , a member of the British National Ultimate Frisbee team , says the 40000-seat Kaohsiung stadium is " without a doubt " the grandest venue ever to host a Frisbee tournament .

  3. 斯莫伦斯基博士说,关节和肌肉在晚间的灵活度比其它时候高20%,受伤的几率会少一些。GettyImages扔飞盘也是一样。

    And joints and muscles are as much as 20 % more flexible in the evening , lowering the risk of injury , Dr. Smolensky says .

  4. 这些非同寻常的陈述被呈报给时任FBI局长埃德加胡佛,这份备忘录名为飞盘。

    Their extraordinary accounts were sent to Edgar Hoover , the director of the FBI , in a memo titled " Flying Discs " .

  5. 你正在公园和你的狗玩飞盘呢。

    You were at the park playing frisbee with your dog .

  6. 我妹妹有两只飞盘,而我一只也没有。

    My sister has two frisbies , but I have none .

  7. 我和他们在一起呆了三天,还和他们玩飞盘游戏。

    We met and spent three days together and played Frisbee .

  8. 确保你进行了飞盘和战斗场升级。

    Make sure you grab both plasma disc and forcefield upgrades .

  9. 我会找出飞盘和我从台湾带来的风筝

    I 'll dig out the Frisbee and my kite from Taiwan .

  10. 我和吉米·史密森在这玩飞盘

    and me and Jimmy Smithson were playing frisbee in the bar .

  11. 说不定我们可以先玩掷飞盘或海滩球。

    Maybe we can throw around the Frisbee or beach ball first .

  12. 我们每个周末都会到公园玩飞盘。

    We always go to the park on weekends and play Frisbee .

  13. 目前只在部分较发达的城市拥有极限飞盘运动队伍。

    Currently only in some more developed city has ultimate frisbee sports team .

  14. 飞盘不专心我也没办法。

    I can 't help it if the frisbee doesn 't pay attention .

  15. 他在适当的位置抓住飞盘。

    He is in place to catch that frisbee .

  16. 我喜欢和我的狗玩飞盘。

    I like to play frisbee with my dog .

  17. 不像真正的高尔夫球那样有球洞,飞盘高尔夫有篮子。

    Instead of having holes like regular golf , Frisbee golf has baskets .

  18. 承诺经常很像蝴蝶,斑斓的飞盘旋然后不见。

    Promises are often like the butterfly , which disappear after beautiful hover .

  19. 今年极限飞盘联赛时,我会想艾尔的

    I 'm gonna miss Al on my ultimate frisbee league this year .

  20. 是的,他会玩飞盘。

    Yes , he can ( play Frisbee ) .

  21. 一个晚上以后你就和那个飞盘男孩一起睡觉了?

    You sleep with frisbee boy after one night ?

  22. 校长的假发不是飞盘。

    The principal 's toupee is not a frisbee .

  23. 沙滩球,飞盘是真正的经典儿童和幼儿的沙滩玩具。

    Beach ball and frisbee are real classic children and toddler 's beach toys .

  24. 你应该把飞盘找出来。

    You should go dig out the Frisbee .

  25. 汤姆会玩飞盘吗?是的,他会玩飞盘。

    Can Tom play Frisbee ? Yes , he can ( play Frisbee ) .

  26. 我用飞盘打破了那扇窗!

    I broke that window with a frisbee !

  27. 我们只是在晚饭前玩玩飞盘。

    We were just playinga little frisbeebefore dinner .

  28. 骗我们回忆起阳光洒满院子,人们扔着飞盘欢声笑语的场景。

    Tricking us into remembering , a sunny yard full of laughing frisbee throwers .

  29. 今天一块玩飞盘的男女同学,明天就是整个世界。

    Today co-ed Frisbee , tomorrow the world .

  30. 极限飞盘是在一种在大型的长方形草地上举行的七对七的比赛。

    Ultimate is played between two teams of seven players on a large rectangular pitch .