
  • 网络Dietary Fiber;dietary fibre;Fiber
  1. 甜菜废粕中食用纤维的制取

    Preparation and Property of Dietary Fiber from Sugar Beet Pulp

  2. 对甜菜废粕制取食用纤维的工艺进行了研究。

    This paper studied the technology of preparation of dietary fiber from sugar beet pulp .

  3. 食用纤维对肥胖型NIDDM患者的治疗作用

    ^ The effect of dietary fibers in management of obese NIDDM patients

  4. 食用纤维肚子会胀气的问题,特别是豆类和玉米?

    Trouble with wind when eat fibre , especially beans and corn ?

  5. 清晨吃早餐时要做的第一件事就是食用纤维。

    Try getting your fiber first thing in the morning with your breakfast .

  6. 从甜菜粕中提取食用纤维和果胶的研究

    Preparation of Dietary Fibre and Pectin from Beet Pulp

  7. 花生食用纤维的研制

    Research and development of fiber as food from peanut

  8. 食用纤维研究(Ⅰ)&麸皮纤维的制备及功能性研究

    Studies on Dietary Fibre (ⅰ) Studies on the Preparation and Functional Properties of Dietary Fibre

  9. 食用纤维、肠道益菌、果酸镁、有机天然甜柠檬香味。

    Dietary fiber , Beneficial bacteria , Magnesium Citrate , Certified organic Natural Sweet Lemon Flavor .

  10. 食用纤维类碳水化合物不能有效的被消化酶水解;尽管这样,他对人体的健康可能相当重要。

    Digestive enzymes do not hydrolyze them significantly ; nevertheless , they may be quite important for human health .

  11. 英国帝国理工学院研究者称他们是首例把食用纤维和大脑荷尔蒙联系起来解释食用者会有饱腹感。

    Researchers at Imperial College London , in England , say their study is the first to link eating fiber to the brain hormones that help you feel full .

  12. 富含丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、食用纤维、维生素和矿物质元素,其含量普遍高于小麦、大米,是一种营养价值很高的食物源。

    Proso millet is rich in protein , fat , dietary fiber , vitamins and minerals , their concentration is generally higher than those of wheat and rice , is a high nutritional value of food source .

  13. 燕麦膳食纤维是一种高级食用纤维,其中以-葡聚糖为主要成分的可溶性膳食纤维占到1/3左右,简述了燕麦高纤食品基料的改性活化加工工艺及其生理活性研究。

    The dietary fiber from oats is a high-quality dietary fiber , it about 1 / 3 is soluble and mainly b-glucan . The paper simple states the research of technology and biologic actions of the dietary fiber foods material from oats .

  14. 裸大麦的母育酚类化合物和可溶性纤维对人类有降低血胆固醇效应,所以裸大麦产品(面粉、糠和麦芽)被用于制作高食用纤维的即食谷物和低热量的烘培产品。

    As tocotrienols and tocopherols in hulless barley have been reported to exhibit serum cholesterol lowering effects , the products ( flour , bran and malt ) from hulless barley have been used to produce ready to eat high fiber cereals and high fiber bakery products .

  15. 纤维可对抗脂肪,而且食用含纤维的食物越多的人,肌肉松弛现象更少。

    And fiber fights fat : people who eat more fiber have less flab .

  16. 科学家们发现肥胖的人通常不会食用多纤维食物。

    Scientists have known that obese people tend to eat foods low in dietary fiber .

  17. 3.食用高纤维食品

    Step 3 Include fiber in your diet

  18. 对膳食纤维的功能、合理食用膳食纤维、常见食物中膳食纤维的含量以及国内外膳食纤维食品研究的动向进行了探讨。

    The function of dietary fiber its reasonable , taking in , its content in common food , and its ( research ) trend in the world are discussed .

  19. 这项重要的研究表明,你在高中阶段食用的纤维越多,日后患乳腺癌的风险就越低。

    This important study demonstrates that the more fiber you eat during your high school years , the lower your risk is in developing breast cancer in later life .

  20. 在这里最重要的一点是你食用的纤维越多,那么你身体里的荷尔蒙水平可能就越低,因此一生当中患乳腺癌的风险就越低。

    The bottom line here is the more fiber you eat , perhaps , a lower level of hormone in your body , and therefore , a lower lifetime risk of developing breast cancer .

  21. 种群研究,例如EPIC(欧洲肿瘤前瞻性研究),在食用多量纤维和胃肠道肿瘤风险降低间发现了许多有力的联系。

    Population studies such as EPIC , the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer , identified a strong link between eating lots of fibre and a lower risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract .

  22. 食用菌膳食纤维研究新进展

    New research advances on edible mushroom dietary fiber

  23. 食用含有大量纤维的天然或有机食品,谷物和绿叶蔬菜。

    Eat natural or organic foods with lots of fiber , grains , and leafy green vegetables .

  24. 但通过告诉他们食用大量高纤维的食物能降低中年之前患乳腺癌的风险。

    By telling them they are eating lots of high-fiber foods could reduce the risk of breast cancer before middle age .

  25. 结论:食用高膳食纤维食品可明显改善糖尿病症状,在应用上应选择优质膳食纤维研制降血糖食品。

    Conclusion : The foods high in dietary fibres are recommended as foods for diabetic patients and the good quality dietary fibres are preferable .

  26. 他们食用更多的纤维,每天食用更多的全谷类食品、水果和果汁、蔬菜,以及更多的鱼类。

    Vitamin users ate more fiber ; had more daily servings of whole grains , fruits and juices , and vegetables ; and ate more fish .

  27. 这就是为什么女性被告知一天要食用25克的纤维——男性甚至要食用更多。

    That 's why women are told to eat 25 grams of fiber a day - man even more .

  28. 杂交改良对撒坝猪肉品质的影响&肌肉食用品质及肌纤维特性分析

    Effect of Crossbred ( genotype ) Selection on the Meat Quality in Saba Pigs & Meat Quality and Fibre Characteristic

  29. 食用更多可发酵纤维能够降低超重或者肥胖的危险,但是直到新研究的问世人们才具体的了解粗纤维是如何起作用的。

    Eating more fermentable fiber reduces the risk of becoming overweight or obese . But until the new study , exactly how the fiber did that was unclear .

  30. 花点时间,别只看卡路里啦,再看看脂肪含量、反式脂肪、糖分、食用分量,甚至纤维和其他的成分吧。

    Take a little time to peruse not just calories , but fat content , trans fat , sugar , serving size and maybe even fiber for everything you put in your cart .