
  • Salt content;【医】salinity
  1. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,简称“CDC”)建议每日的食盐量不要超过六克(2300毫克钠),也就是一天一茶匙盐。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends consuming no more 6 grams ( 2300 milligrams of sodium ) , or one teaspoon of salt a day .

  2. 不同温度和食盐量对芹菜亚硝酸盐含量的影响

    Temperature and Salt Affect the Nitrite Content of Celery

  3. 他们发现,世界上大部分人的食盐量是相同的。

    They found that most people around the world eat about the same amount of salt .

  4. 但是他说,研究并没有明确显示减少食盐量意味着可以减少心脏病和中风的发病率。

    But he says studies have not clearly shown that lowering salt means fewer heart attacks or strokes .

  5. 该研究的作者设想减少食盐量是无危险的,虽然没有证据,他补充说。

    The study 's authors assume reducing salt is risk free , although there is no proof , he added .

  6. 科学研究发现,血压正常的人根本没必要限制食盐量。

    Science has since found out that there is no reason for a person with normal blood pressure to restrict their salt intake .

  7. 适度减少食盐量是绝对必要的,并且可以去除添加到几乎所有加工过的食物中的一些盐就可以达到。

    Moderate salt reduction is an absolute necessity and can be attained by deletion of some of the salt added to virtually all processed food .

  8. 数据存在不是为了保证减少食盐量,政府实际上也愿意将整个国家当成一个临床试验。

    The data is not there to warrant salt reduction , and the government is willing to put the entire country into what is effectively a clinical trial .

  9. 西方发达国家主要的目标是让食品工业缓慢减少使用的食盐量,其中的大部分食盐是完全不需要添加到我们食品中的。

    The main target in western countries is to get the food industry to slowly reduce the amount of salt , most of which are totally unnecessary , put in our food .

  10. 年龄、体重指数(BMI)、高血压家族史、日均食盐消耗量、文化程度等是高血压发病的主要危险因素。

    The main risk factors were age , body mass index ( BMI ), hypertensive family history , daily salt consumption and educational level .

  11. 同时观察到USI后居民食盐含碘量增加至6-9倍,学生尿碘升高至4-5倍。

    The iodine content of iodinated salt increased 6 to 9 times after USI while the MUI of schoolchildren increased 4 - 5 times .

  12. 擂溃时间以25min为宜,食盐添加量为25g/kg,淀粉添加量为100g/kg;

    The stirring time was 25 minutes , salt addition 25 g / kg , starch addition 100 g / kg .

  13. 那么,大家应该怎样控制食盐摄取量呢?

    What can you do about your own salt intake ?

  14. 凝胶特性随着食盐添加量增加呈上升趋势。

    The gel characteristic increases with the salt increased .

  15. 你知道自己每天的食盐消耗量吗?

    Do you know how much you 're consuming ?

  16. 此外,莲芯添加量、莲芯粉碎粒度及食盐添加量3个因素并不会显著影响面条吸水率。

    The effects on water absorption of lotus plumule noodle were also discussed .

  17. 要想知道确切的食盐摄取量几乎是不可能的事情。

    It 's impossible to know for sure how much you 're consuming .

  18. 1998年国家食物与营养监测住户中食盐含碘量抽样调查

    Sampling survey for iodine content of iodized salt in household of CFNSS in 1998

  19. 结论环境碘来源是调整食盐加碘量的基础。

    Conclusions The environmental iodine sources is the base of adjusting the supplemental amount of iodine .

  20. 市售食盐含碘量的测定及测定方法探讨

    The Determination of the Amount of Iodine in Commerical Salt and the Discussion of the Determination Method

  21. 可适当降低食盐加碘量,使之达到推荐碘摄入水平。

    The amount of iodine added to salt could be appropriately reduced to ensure optimal iodine intake .

  22. 说明目前食盐含碘量可以满足人体需要,能有效地控制地甲肿的发生。

    The results suggest that the iodide content in the iodized salt can satisfy metabolic requirement and can treat iodine deficiency disease .

  23. 方法:对妊娠、哺乳妇女尿碘排泄量、食盐食用量和加碘食盐碘含量同时进行测定。

    Methods : Urinary iodine excretion , daily intake of salt and iodine concentration in iodized salt determines simultaneously in pregnant and lactating women .

  24. 研究目的:分析传统凉果原料橄榄腌制过程中风味物质的变化与腌制时间、食盐添加量的关系。

    Objective to analyze relationships between change of flavor compounds and curing time , added salt of traditional preserved olive in the curing processing .

  25. 个别售盐点的食盐含碘量偏低,这可能与流通中碘盐存放时间过长或可能与有售非碘盐有关。

    The content of iodine was low in some samples , which may be due to the long time storage and mixing with non-iodine salt .

  26. 结论:橄榄盐坯中部分风味物质含量随食盐添加量的增加和腌制时间的延长而增加或者降低;

    It follows that some flavor content of salted olive increased with increasing content of added salt and curing time while some flavor content decreased .

  27. 生产实践中应用时,要考虑反刍动物的消化生理特点和秸秆加工成本,可适当降低尿素和食盐添加量。

    If the processing cost and the physiological character of ruminant is considered in practice , the content of urea and salt should be decreased properly .

  28. 结果表明:莲心面的最佳配方为:莲心粒度80目、莲心添加量为面粉量1.4%且食盐添加量为2.0%;

    The optimal particle size of lotus plumule powder was 80 mesh , suitable quantity of lotus plumule and salt were 1.4 % and 2.0 % .

  29. 食盐添加量为4%,蛋白质含量为10.3%时,面团粘结性出现极大值。

    When the content of NaCl was about 4 % , the content of protein was about 10.3 % , the adhesiveness of dough obtained maximum value .

  30. 根据本地区的实际情况,食盐加碘量应当依据社区居民盐的食用量或其它来源碘量的变化而加以调整。

    The amount of iodine added to salt should be adjusted subsequently according to the local situation , the amount of slat ingested or the amount of iodine reaching the community from other sources .