
  • 网络Beverage package;Beverage Packaging
  1. 一种用于测量饮料包装中液位的电容式传感器

    Capacitive Sensor Used for Inspecting Fill Level in Beverage Package

  2. 新型铝制瓶形罐在饮料包装中的应用

    Application of new aluminum bottles in the beverage package

  3. 今年我深圳一家公司审批一个饮料包装水,审批了半年,后来找关系才把它批下来,这个审批制度影响了企业创新。

    It took me about six months to have one of my products approved by authorities . And I had to find connections to get this done . The examination and approval system is not good for company innovation .

  4. 据统计,PET瓶在全球饮料包装市场的比例已占到37%,在碳酸饮料瓶包装中的比例更是高达58%,成为食品包装的主要材料之一。

    According to statistics , PET accounted for37 % in the proportion of the global beverage packaging market , and in bottles of carbonated drinks is as high as58 % .

  5. 聚酯(PET)瓶具有质量轻、透明、强度高和可回收等特点,在世界饮料包装市场上已经占有一席之地。

    In the world of beverage market , polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) bottle is one of the most useful containers for lightweight , optically transparent , unbreakable and recyclable characteristics .

  6. BPA用于许多食品和饮料包装容器、食品罐涂层及某些医疗器械之中。

    BPA is used in many food and beverage containers , the coating of food cans and some medical devices .

  7. 基于WTK的灌装线主机运动建模德国:饮料包装盒创意设计精美实用

    WTK Based Kinematical Modeling for Main Machines of Beverage Packaging Production Line Beverage Packaging in Germany

  8. 可口可乐公司不但没有为其生产的垃圾支付任何费用,甚至还享受了一项政府补贴,这项补贴从长远上帮助其不断生产数量巨大的一次性饮料包装(其中72%是PET塑料瓶,它们现在都躺在了美国的垃圾填埋场)。

    Rather than having to pay for the waste they produced , Coca-Cola received a kind of public subsidy that in the long run enabled them to continue to produce tremendous quantities of one-way , throwaway containers ( 72 % of which , in the case of plastic PET containers , ends up in American landfills today ) .

  9. 小型自动杯装饮料包装机的研制

    The Development of a Small-sized Automatic Packing Machine for Cupped Beverage

  10. 机电一体化技术在食品饮料包装设备中的应用

    Application of Mechatronics Technology in the Food and Drink Packing Equipment

  11. 瑞士实行更严格的饮料包装材料限制政策

    Swiss Slap Tight New Restrictions on Packaging Materials for Drinks

  12. 2006年:食品饮料包装行业新趋势

    New Trend of Food & Beverage Packaging in 2006

  13. 饮料包装大战正酣

    The Competition of Beverage Packaging is Very Aboil

  14. 美国饮料包装市场

    The market of beverage packaging in the US

  15. 高速无菌饮料包装机上位机监控系统开发

    Development of Host Computer Based Monitoring System for High Speed Aseptic Beverage Packaging Machine

  16. 这家公司处理各种类型的软饮料包装和其它废纸。

    This company handles a mixture of soft drinks cartons and other waste paper .

  17. 基于品牌策略下的饮料包装设计研究

    The Beverage Packaging Study Based on Brand Strategy

  18. 饮料包装喷码设备的选择

    Choices on the Coding Equipment for Beverage Packages

  19. 饮料包装&软塑包装讲座(二十四)本文对此进行分析。

    Beverage Package The paper analyses it .

  20. 饮料包装市场格局及发展态势

    Beverage Package Market : Pattern & Development

  21. 浅谈儿童饮料包装的设计

    The Soft Drink Package Design for Children

  22. 饮料包装的计算机控制和管理

    Computer Control and Management in Drink Packaging

  23. 饮料包装材料及其发展新趋势

    Beverage Package Material and Developing Trend

  24. 为聚酯碳酸饮料包装瓶的优化设计提供了理论依据。

    The purpose was to provide academic rules for the design of PET aerated water bottle .

  25. 饮料包装材料数据库

    The Database of Beverage Packing Material

  26. 饮料包装新趋势

    New Trends of the Beverage Packaging

  27. 饮料包装市场纵横(二)

    Beverage packaging market ( Part ⅱ)

  28. 革新饮料包装编码的新型打印机

    Coding innovations in the beverage industry

  29. 最新饮料包装&CartonShot

    New beverage package & carton shot

  30. 为我国饮料包装产业把脉

    Development of Beverage Pack in China