
shì dài
  • lace;braid;frilals
饰带[shì dài]
  1. 琥珀色的缎子和白色的饰带正是她所想要的。

    Amber satin and white lace is exactly what she desire .

  2. 她的面纱是用有着一百年历史的爱尔兰饰带制成的。

    Her veil was made from 100-year-old Irish lace .

  3. 根据这些参数向量下动力系统中吸引周期轨道的吸引域,构造出饰带群广义充满Julia集。

    The filled-in Julia sets with the symmetry of frieze group are constructed based on the attracting fields of dynamical system with these parameter vectors .

  4. 大量生成优美的饰带群广义充满Julia集,增加了非线性动力系统计算机图形化的新图案。

    Lots of attractive filled-in Julia sets are constructed , which increase the novelty of pattern of computer graphics for the visual presentation of nonlinear dynamical systems .

  5. 微扰方法,并利用缀饰带近似、重整化有效质量近似、以及Floquet矩阵方法研究了激光缀饰下半导体三能带模型。

    P perturbation method , the dressed bands of semiconductors have been investigated using the renormalized effective mass approximation , dressed - band approximation and exact Floquet matrix method .

  6. 多种即将上市的可穿戴产品(其中包括一种名为Melon的头部饰带)能测量人的脑电波,并在屏幕上显示相关数据。当你因为看多了YoutTube网站视频而头脑迟钝时,这些产品会提醒你需要采取行动了。

    Various wearable products - including a headband called Melon - are about to come to market that measure brain waves and display the data on your screen , telling you when your brain has got so torpid from excessive YouTubing that action is needed .

  7. 用户需要佩戴一个连接蓝牙设备的特制头部饰带,通过该装置向诺基亚N73手机发送无线信号,然后回应大脑发出的信号。

    Users wear a specially designed headband which is hooked up to a Blue tooth device that wirelessly sends commands to a Nokia N73 mobile phone .

  8. 用带缚或装饰用或似乎用饰带系或装饰。

    To bind or decorate with or as if with a fillet .

  9. 小女孩把饰带打成个蝴蝶结。

    The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow .

  10. 而且这些是个棒球的饰带。

    And these here are the laces of a baseball .

  11. 饰带和气球纷纷飘落到聚会客人头上。

    Streamers and balloons rained down on the party guests .

  12. 今天我女儿穿了一件有花边和饰带的连衣裙。

    My daughter wears a dress embellished with lace and ribbons today .

  13. 一条坚固的把一件饰带重物和一条滑动的饰带连结起来绳子。

    A strong cord connecting a sash weight to a sliding sash .

  14. 她在帽子上添缝了一条饰带。

    She tacked a ribbon on to her hat .

  15. 他在帽子上缝了一条饰带。

    He tacked the ribbon onto the hat .

  16. 他的制服上镶有金色饰带。

    His uniform is laced with gold .

  17. 沿着缝饰带上的针迹,将缝带与其中一片衣片缝合在一起。

    Stitch the piping to one of the main sections , following the stitching on the piping .

  18. 下端悬挂着嘉德勋章,饰带上写着“天有上帝,我有权利”。

    Hanging lower Gardner medal , lace top write " days have god , I have rights " .

  19. 将礼物盒摆在你的面前,沿着盒子长边方向的中心线摆放饰带。

    With your package in front of you , lay ribbon lengthwise along the middle of the box .

  20. 具体而言,原本专供军队的威迪恩饰带、勋带、肩带如今也成为了娱乐明星的装饰品。

    In particular , Wyedean 's braids , ribbons and sashes that used to serve armies now adorn actors .

  21. 当饰带毛勾漂流到下游时,降低竿尖和增放飞蝇线使饰带毛勾继续漂流。

    As the fly passes and drifts downstream , lower the rod tip and feed line to the drift .

  22. 此外,他还拉扯她帽子上的饰带,当然也会弄皱她的衣裙。

    Besides , he would tug at the ribbons of her bonnet and , no doubt , rumple her dress .

  23. 有机织饰带特性的缎带,含弹性纱或橡盘线重量占5%或5%以上

    Galloon , having the character of woven ribbons containing by weight 5 % or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread

  24. 少数人,就像那些身上有饰带、不断给自己颁发更多勋章的非洲专制君主,还给自己增加了“总裁”头衔。

    A few , like beribboned African potentates awarding themselves more medals , also add " president " to their honours .

  25. 礼物应该被精心包裹,最好再加上饰带。

    The gift should also be wrapped in the most elaborate way possible , and lots of fancy ribbons are suggested .

  26. 由于缝饰带是惟一与机器接触而又不受其控制的部分,因此缝饰带会变形。

    The piping would become distorted because it is the only section , which is not controlled by contact with machine parts .

  27. 对目标排口作多次飘流然后添加小铅粒以便饰带毛勾开始轻刮泳层底部。

    Make several passes through the lie with an unweighted streamer then add enough shot so that the fly starts scraping bottom .

  28. 这款变形文胸由回圈再生聚酯纤维材料制成,文胸的肩带可以系在包上作饰带。

    The bra-turned-bag is made of polyester fiber created through recycling . The bra straps can be tied onto the bag as ribbons .

  29. 腰带绕腰缠裹的腰带或饰带前腰贴、左右腰贴、弹性腰围在机施加。

    A belt or sash worn around the waist . Frontal tape , side sticker and elastic waistline are added on the machine .

  30. 使用饰带毛勾时请紧记所有毛勾都会在你竿尖前停下来。

    As you play with the streamer keep in mind that any fly will always attempt to rest directly below the rod tip .