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  • 网络saturated color;saturated colours
  1. 当使用多种饱和色时,经常出现多彩立体影像和其他视觉假象。

    When multiple saturated colors are used together , chromostereopsis and other perceptual artifacts often occur .

  2. 宜穿暖色调的弱饱和色衣着。

    Wear warm clothes color saturation of weak .

  3. 不过,最重要的是色彩,那种像日落的饱和色,通常与热带饮料而不是网球联系在一起。

    But mostly : color . The kind of saturated , sunset color most often associated with tropical drinks , as opposed to tennis .

  4. 而改变槽液温度、活化条件可改变饱和色,但最深色调为桔红色。

    When temperature of coloring solution and activation conditions change , it can be changed , but the deepest color tone is orange - red .

  5. 有机材料本身固有的宽谱带发射使有机电致发光器件的色度难以达到全色显示所要求的饱和色。

    Due to the intrinsic broad spectra of the organic materials the chroma of the organic light emitting diode ( OLED ) can not meet the need of the full color display .

  6. 随着油气地球化学实验技术和方法的发展,利用储集层沥青的饱和烃色-质图的指纹特征识别流体类型已经得到较大范围的应用。

    The fingerprint characteristics on mass-chromatograph chart of saturated hydrocarbon extracted from reservoir bitumen is widely used to identify reservoir fluid types , with the development of technology and method of petroleum geochemistry .

  7. 单模激光中的饱和效应与色泵噪声

    Saturation Effects and the Colored Pump Noise in a Single Mode Laser

  8. 该模型主要考虑了饱和项的色噪声和自发辐射量子色噪声的影响。

    For the model , there are the colored noise saturation term and colored quantum noise term .

  9. 画作漆黑的轮廓线、平滑饱和的用色以及放大的透视,呈现出一种将漫画与图像艺术结合的风格。

    The dark black outline bordering smooth , saturated colors and magnified perspective show Matsuura 's combined style of graphic arts and comics .