
sì cǎo
  • forage grass
饲草 [sì cǎo]
  • [forage grass] 用来喂牲口的草

饲草[sì cǎo]
  1. 白花草木樨(MelilotusAlbus)分布广泛,抗逆性强、可用于绿肥和饲草等。

    Melilotus albus is widely distributed and hardy , and can be used for green manure and forage grass , etc. however Melilotus .

  2. 高油115和高油XY-1每公顷综合经济效益分别比普通玉米高3831.2元和4761.56元,因此,高油玉米是新疆畜牧业发展的优质饲草饲料。

    The comprehensive economic efficiency per hectare of Gaoyou 115 and the Gaoyou XY-1 were 3831.2 Yuan and 4761.56 Yuan , which are higher than ordinary variety . Therefore , high-oil corn was high quality forage grass for animal husbandry development of Xinjiang .

  3. 饲草压捆机压缩活塞结构ANSYS分析及压缩理论

    Analysis of Compressing Piston ANSYS and Compressing Theory on Forage Baler

  4. 用ICP-AES法同时测定饲草饲料中多种矿物元素的研究

    Using ICP-AES method to detect mineral elements in forage grasses

  5. 研究A3细胞质在饲草高粱育种上的利用。

    The development of the A3 cytoplasm in forage sorghum breeding .

  6. Cu~(2+)和Pb~(2+)胁迫对多花黑麦草生长及饲草品质的影响

    Effect of Cu ~( 2 + ) and Pb ~( 2 + ) Stress on Growth and Forage Quality of Italian Ryegrass

  7. 基于CATIA的饲草切碎机模型的建立及运动仿真

    Base on CATIA Forage Gass Cut up Machine Model and Kinematic Simulation

  8. 用内源指示剂(AIA)法测定坡鹿对混合饲草常规养分的表观消化率。

    Proximate nutrients digestibility was determined by the method of AIA .

  9. Zn、B、Mn三种微肥在一定浓度下能够促进饲料玉米生长,增强玉米的抗性、提高饲草和果实的产量。

    The trial results showed that Zn 、 B 、 Mn fertilizers could promote forage maize growth , enforced resistence and enhance the yield of grain and forage under certain concentrations .

  10. Mn肥的有效浓度为600×10-6,能够提高叶面积指数5.36%,提高饲草产量6.30%;

    600 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) was the most suitable concentration for Mn , which increased LAI by 5.36 % and forage yield 6.30 % ;

  11. 本文研究了冬闲田种植燕麦、小黑麦和黑麦草的株高、LAI、饲草产量等及对后茬水稻农艺性状、产量和土壤生态环境的影响。

    The plant height , LAI and yield of oats , triticale and ryegrass planting in winter fallow field were investigated , and effects of forage rotation on rice agronomic traits , yield and soil environment were studied .

  12. 应用两级离体消化法得出了各种饲草及其日粮的体外能值及GI值,并应用GI值评定了各种饲草及其日粮的营养价值。

    Energy value in vitro and GI index of roughages and diets were determined by using the method of two graded exsomatize digestion and furthermore , applying GI index to evaluate nutritional values of the experimental roughages and diets .

  13. 饲草型品种OH1881鲜草产量以开花期300万/ha的处理最高,干草产量则以花后7天密度为450万/ha的处理最高。

    Forage yield in the variety OH 1881 used as forage was the highest at anthesis with the density of 300 104 / ha , but its hay yield was the highest on the 7th day after anthesis with the density of 450 104 / ha .

  14. 6个饲草生产系统中,除RS和RVS系统之外,其余四个系统的干物质产量都在30t/hm~2以上,其中产量最高的TS系统干物质产量达36.7t/hm~2。

    The forage systems , except RS and RVS , all gave an annual total forage yield over 30 t DM per hectare , with the highest from TS which was 36.7 t DM per hectare .

  15. 燕麦与箭豌豆间混播最佳刈割期为燕麦乳熟期+箭豌豆满荚期,因为此时混合饲草产量最高,饲草N产量与RFV较高,而ADF与NDF较低。

    The optimum harvest time of intercropping and mixture was milky maturity stage of oat and pod filling stage of pea , when the mixture forage yield was the highest , the nitrogen yield and RFV were relatively high , and ADF and NDF were relatively low .

  16. 与一年种植一季相比,燕麦草和饲草型小黑麦一年复种两季平均的CP和可溶性糖含量显著提高,而NDF、ADF和淀粉含量显著降低。

    Compared to one crop a year , two crops a year significantly enhanced the average content of CP and soluble sugar of Planting Oats and forage-type triticale . But the average content of NDF , ADF and starch is lower than the one crop a year . 3 .

  17. 本文对直刀刃滚刀式饲草切碎器的参数进行了分析,推导出了有关数学式,以ZC-1.0型切碎器为例作出了评论;

    In this paper , the parameters of the cylinder-type forage cutterhead with straight knife edge is analysed , the mathematical formulas concerned have been derived . The cutterhead ZC-1.0 is discussed as an example .

  18. 小黑麦饲草品质性状的基因效应分析

    Analysis of Gene Effects of the Herbage Quality Traits in Triticale

  19. 几种重要饲草的阴阳离子平衡分析

    The Analysis of Cation - Anion Difference of Some Important Forage

  20. 两个饲草玉米品种的生长动态与最佳收获期

    Growth Dynamics and Optimum Harvest Stage of Two Forage Maize Varieties

  21. 优质饲草小黑麦及配套栽培技术

    The Triticale of Forage Crop in High-quality and Related Cultivation Technique

  22. 青绿饲草饲喂母兔效果分析

    Analysis of the effect of forage grass on feeding female rabbit

  23. 固定式饲草压捆机分捆机构的改进设计

    Improved design of part - bundle mechanism of fixed forage briquetter

  24. 等滑切角圆盘式饲草切碎器的剪切功率

    The Cutting Power of Forage Chopper on the Cylinder Type Cutterhead

  25. 饲草高粱区域试验新杂交种综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of New Forage Sorghum Hybrids Tested in Various Regions

  26. 几种重要饲草的脂肪酸成分分析

    The Analysis of Fatty Acid Component of Some Important Forage

  27. 黑龙江饲草资源退化现状及其成因分析

    Analysis on Degradation of Grass Resource and Its Formation Causes in Heilongjiang

  28. 陡坡地饲草玉米生物篱的生态效益研究

    Ecological Effects of Forage Maize Hedgerow on Abrupt Slope Land

  29. 他们的最高职责是给驴马饲草饮水!

    His highest duty to fodder and water his horses !

  30. 宝鸡市秸秆饲草产业开发的思考

    Thinking in the Exploitation of Hay Fodder Industry in Baoji