
  • 网络primacy effect;First effect;primary effect
  1. 首因效应向近因效应转换的实验研究

    A research on the shift from primacy effect to recency effect

  2. 作者认为原产地形象既可以通过光环效应、概括效应的形式,也可以通过首因效应或品牌效应的形式影响消费者的产品评价。

    The author suggests that country-of-origin image can not only serves as a halo effect or a summary effect in product evaluation , but also functions as a primacy effect or a brand effect .

  3. 新闻导语的首因效应与核心因素

    The First Effect and the Central Element of the Lead-in in Journalism

  4. 首因效应与教学效果

    The First Impression and the Effect of Teaching

  5. 服饰形象的首因效应与晕轮效应

    First effect and circle effect in dress image

  6. 首因效应在高校二级学院办公室管理中的应用研究

    The Applied Research of First Effect in the Management of the Office in the Affiliated Colleges of the University

  7. 考生要想在考试中取得较理想的成绩,就必须重视“首因效应”在高考英语听力内容预测中的作用。

    If the examinees want to do well in the examination , they must bring " the first effect " into play .

  8. 新闻导语是新闻文本的重要组成部分,它具有导引读者、引人注意的首因效应。

    The lead-in in journalism is an important component in news text . It has the first effect to lead and attract readers .

  9. 其中包括首因效应、近因效应、晕轮效应、信念固着偏见、刻板印象和虚假一致偏差等几种主要的社会认知偏差现象。

    The social cognition biases mainly include : primary effect , halo effect , belief perseverance prejudice , stereotype and false consensus bias .

  10. 系列位置曲线中首因效应和近因效应性质的分化,取决于项目呈现时间、项目间隔时间和系列包含的项目数。

    The nature of primacy and recency effect depended on the item presentation bine , the interval bine and the item number of the serial .

  11. 对于遗忘,认知心理学家探讨了短时记忆的遗忘、前摄抑制、后摄抑制、近因效应、首因效应等,这些方面在格式塔心理学中也有充分的体现;

    They discussed forgetting in short-term memory , retroactive inhibition , proactive inhibition , primacy effect and recency effect , which incarnated the research of Gestalt psychology ;

  12. 本文分析了首因效应的属性及其对教师教学的影响,提出了教师上好第一堂课应注意的若干问题。

    This article analyses the attribute of the first impression and the influence on teacher 's teaching and puts forth some factors to which teacher should pay attention in his first class .

  13. 研究表明,一些常见的社会认知偏差,如晕轮效应、刻板印象、首因效应、透明度错觉等,在人员的选拔和任用中既能产生消极的影响,又能产生积极的影响。

    Study results suggest that some social cognitive bias such as halo effect , stereotype , primary effect and illusion of transparency not only have negative impacts but also positive effects on the choice and employment of talents .

  14. 方法通过转变服务观念、首因效应、首问负责制、温馨接诊、岗前介绍、温馨输液、病人选护士等系列措施,实施温馨工程。

    Methods The warm-heartedness project was implemented by carrying out alteration of service concept , the effect of first impression , responsibility of initial inquiry , warmhearted admission , introduction before hospitalization , warmhearted infusion and patient 's election of nurses .

  15. 从首因效应和晕轮效应两个角度研究服饰心理学,指出首因效应是用以解释第一印象的视点,晕轮效应是凭第一印象的个人主观推断的泛化。

    This paper researchs dress psychology from the first effect and circle effect . The first effect is used to explain drop of vision of the first impression , the circle effect relies on oneself subjective infer of head impression in generalities .

  16. 这类研究所发现的事实之一就是“首因效应”,也就是说,由于注意力的工作方式以及记忆形成的需要,人们更容易记住摆在他们面前的第一样事物。

    One of the things uncovered by this sort of research is the primacy effect , meaning people are more likely to remember the first thing they are presented with , due to the way attention works and the demands of memory formation .