
  • 网络Hong Kong Central Library;Hongkong Central Library
  1. 和香港中央图书馆不相上下。

    The library can compete with Hong Kong Central Library .

  2. 注意:若演讲厅满座,参加者将被安排于香港中央图书馆活动室收看现场转播。

    Note : If the Lecture Theatre is full , participants may be admitted to the Activity Room of Hong Kong Central Library for video broadcast relay .

  3. 从儿童图书馆、地图图书馆、艺术资源中心方面介绍了香港中央图书馆的特色,并分析了对珠海新馆的可借鉴之处。

    This paper introduces the main features of Hongkong Central Library , such as toy library , map library and arts resource centre , which can be taken for reference by Zhuhai library .