
  • 网络Hong Kong society of accountants;Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants;HKICPA;HKSA
  1. 乃一间于香港会计师公会注册的执业会计师事务所。

    Chan , Ho & Partners (" CHP ") is a professional accounting firm registered under Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants .

  2. 香港的会计师们截断了外地会计师事务所进入香港赚钱的渠道,还说服了监管机构允许他们通过香港会计师公会进行自我监管。

    They blocked access to their lucrative market to accounting firms from outside Hong Kong while convincing regulators to allow them to regulate themselves through the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs ( hkicpas ) .