
  • 网络Hong Kong Arts Festival
  1. 今年香港艺术节吸引到的交易商和买家人数双双创下历史新高。

    The Hong Kong Arts Festival attracted record numbers of both dealers and buyers .

  2. 让我们一起举杯,为香港艺术节圆满成功,乾杯!

    Please join in for a toast : To the Hong Kong Arts Festival !

  3. 另外,还可以在网上购买香港艺术节的节目门票,并可享受香港游超值优惠套餐。

    In addition they could also purchase festival tickets online and receive a premium discount package of Hong Kong tour .

  4. 如果在艺术节期间错过了领取记事簿的机会,你可以前往香港艺术节青少年之友办事处换领。

    If you have missed the chance to to collect the Arts Diary during the Festival period , you can come to Hong Kong Arts Festival Young Friends Office .

  5. 画廊场景充满各种画家、雕塑家与卡通画家的作品令印度尼西亚当代艺术成为上届香港巴塞尔艺术节等盛事上的焦点。

    There 's a gallery scene with painters , sculptors and cartoonists whose works have made contemporary art from Indonesia the sensation of events like the last Art Basel in Hong Kong .

  6. 旅游协会也致力在外地推广这些国际盛事,以宣扬香港是亚洲盛事之都这个美誉。这些国际盛事包括世界杯七人榄球赛、香港艺术节及国际六人木球锦标赛。

    The HKTA also sought to boost Hong kong 's reputation as the events capital of Asia through the overseas promotion of international events , which included the Rugby World Cup sevens , the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the international cricket sixes tournament .