
  • 网络HongKong Post;hong kong post
  1. 所有本地送货服务均由香港邮政提供。

    Local order will be delivered by Hong Kong Post .

  2. 所有货品会用香港邮政空邮包裹方式寄运。

    All packages are shipped via Air Parcel by Hong Kong Post Office .

  3. 14香港邮政是香港首个认可的核证机关。

    14 hongkong post is the first recognized certification authority in Hong kong .

  4. 香港邮政服务效率超卓,举世知名。

    Hong Kong has maintained a high international reputation for its efficient postal services .

  5. 香港邮政已于将军澳邮政局设立试点。

    Hongkong Post has set up a pilot site at Tseung Kwan O Post Office .

  6. 香港邮政公布了邮件派递、集邮和柜位服务的服务承诺。

    Performance pledges are published for the delivery of mail , philatelic and counter services .

  7. 载于本条的条文不得对香港邮政署署长订明任何法律责任。

    Nothing herein contained shall impose any liability on the postmaster general of Hong kong .

  8. 请使用有效的香港邮政电子证书。

    Please use valid hongkong post e-Cert.

  9. 为纪念是次邮展,香港邮政共发行了两款通用邮票小型张及其他集邮物品。

    Two definitive stamp sheet lets and other philatelic products were issued to commemorate the exhibition .

  10. 若选择上门收件香港邮政会预先电话联络你。

    If you have chosen door pick-up , HKP will call you and arrange for pick up .

  11. 如未能首次作功派递,香港邮政会联络客人安排另一次的送货时间。

    If the delivery is unsuccessful , hongkong post will contact the customer to arrange another delivery .

  12. 香港邮政不断检讨现行的邮务运作系统,以找出和研究可进一步机械化和自动化的程序。

    Hongkong Post continued to review existing postal operations to identify and explore further areas for mechanisation and automation .

  13. 十一月,香港邮政主办万国邮政联盟直效行销市场发展讨论会,有超过70位代表出席。

    In November , Hongkong Post was host of the UPU Direct Mail Seminar attended by more than 70 delegates .

  14. 为缩减答覆顾客查询的时间,香港邮政已于年内装设一个电脑追查邮件系统。

    To reduce the response time in handling customer enquiries , a computerised system has been developed in 1997 for tracking and tracing items .

  15. 三月,香港邮政主办亚太邮政讨论会,有来自亚太区14个邮政机关的代表出席。

    In March , Hongkong Post hosted the Asia Pacific Post Workshop which was attended by delegates from 14 postal administrations in the region .

  16. 这套邮票由香港邮政发行,并获得世界自然基金会支持。

    This set of commemorative stamps is issued by Hongkong Post , with the support of World Wide Fund For Nature ( WWF ) .

  17. 请各位跨国卖家务必留意香港邮政发出的2009年圣诞空邮截邮日期。

    All cross-border sellers in Hong Kong please pay attention to the latest dates of posting for airmails intended for delivery before Christmas Day for2009 .

  18. 香港邮政推出一项名为“香港邮电通”的新服务,作为响应政府方便营商计划的措施之一。

    A new service - Hongkong e-Post - was introduced as part of Hongkong Post 's initiative to support the government 's Helping Business Programme .

  19. 客户如欲查询及了解更多邮寄本地或海外的费用,可直接向香港邮政局索取「本地邮费」或「海外费用」资料。

    For any enquiries on local and overseas postage , please directly contact Hong Kong Post Office for information on " local postage " and " overseas postage " .

  20. 香港邮政又参与7个海外国际邮票展览会,鼓励海外人士搜集香港邮票,提高香港邮票的国际声望。

    Hongkong Post also participated in seven international stamp exhibitions overseas to promote the collection of Hong Kong stamps and to raise the international awareness of Hong Kong stamps .

  21. 香港邮政也采用“中国香港”的名称,以独立邮政机关的身分出席不限国家参加的技术会议及邮政业务活动。

    In technical meetings and activities on postal business not limited to states , hongkong post also attended as a separate postal administration using the name'hong kong , china ' .

  22. 为推广和提高香港邮政在国际集邮坛的形象,我们参与了这项大奖赛,以期向外界展示香港邮票的设计和品质。

    In a bid to promote and enhance Hongkong Post 's image among the international philatelic community , we participate in this Award to put to test the design and quality of Hong Kong stamps .

  23. 香港回归中国后,香港邮政以中华人民共和国代表团成员的身分出席两个邮政联盟的会议。

    Since reunification with China , Hongkong Post has attended the meetings of both unions as a member of the delegation of the People 's Republic of China .

  24. 此外,学院安排了同学参观康宏理财、香港交易所、香港金融管理局、香港邮政、数码港、中华电力和永隆银行有限公司,了解实际的商业运作。

    Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd. , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Information Centre , Hongkong Post , Cyberport and Sybase , CLP Power HK Ltd. , and Wing Lung Bank Ltd.