
  • 网络Malwa;Marwa;malva
  1. 机织马尔瓦韧皮纤维织物

    Fabric of Malva blanca fibre , wove

  2. 这些人听说有科学聚会,就要求以他们当地的语言(卢格巴拉语、斯瓦希里语、卢干达语和Itesot语)在当地的马尔瓦(小米啤酒)酒店举办聚会。

    These people heard about the science meetings and asked for them to be held in their local languages ( Lugbara , Kiswahili , Luganda and Itesot ) at the local malwa ( millet beer ) joint .

  3. 马尔瓦喜欢时装设计及她喜欢代理。

    Marwa loves fashion design and she likes acting .

  4. 当沃伦?巴菲特说自己投资康菲石油是犯下“致命错误”时,康菲石油首席执行官詹姆斯?马尔瓦肯定是记在心头。

    When Warren Buffett said he was ' dead wrong ' to invest in ConocoPhillips , Conoco chief James Mulva must have taken note .