
  • 网络Marshall-Lerner condition
  1. 文中首先对汇率变动对外贸影响的主要理论弹性论进行分析,着重探讨马歇尔勒纳条件和J曲线效应,并加以评述。

    Firstly , it analyses the main trade theory & Elasticity Approach , and then focuses on Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-curve effects .

  2. 马歇尔勒纳条件认为,若一国的出口弹性与进口弹性的绝对值之和大于1,则本币贬值可改善本国国际收支。

    Marshall-Lerner condition holds that if the absolute value of a nation 's export flexibility plus that of import flexibility is bigger than one , devalue of home currency can improve international balance of the nation .

  3. 按照国际经济学的原理,汇率是调节一国国际经济关系的重要变量,同时根据马歇尔勒纳条件,一国货币相对于其他货币贬值,一国的出口会得到增加。

    According to the theory of international economics , exchange rate is an important variable in adjusting international and economical relationship of the country and to Marshall-Lerner Condition , the export will acquire much increase , if currency of the country , compared to others , devalues .

  4. 对马歇尔&勒纳条件的验证与修正

    The Verification of and Amendment to Marshall - Lerner Condition

  5. 在线性模型下,马歇尔-勒纳条件并不成立。

    Under The linear model , the Marshall-Lerner condition does not hold .

  6. 马歇尔-勒纳条件对中国适用吗?&基于2000年中国社会核算矩阵的实证分析

    Is Marshall-Lerner Condition Applicable in China ? & Based on the positive analysis of accounting matrix of Chinese society in 2000

  7. 模型假设马歇尔-勒纳条件的前提成立,汇率变动有效传导到贸易品的价格上。

    Model assumes the assumption of the Marshall-Lerner Condition is established , and the exchange rate movements effectively transmitted to the prices of tradable goods .

  8. 马歇尔-勒纳条件成立只是表明汇率贬值能改善贸易收支,但改善程度的大小则取决于汇率的进出口传递弹性。

    The coming into existence of Marshall-Lerner conditions only indicates the depreciation of exchange rate can improve trade balance , but the degree of improvement lies on the elasticity of exchange rate pass-through .

  9. 运用总量弹性分析法研究了人民币真实有效汇率对中国总体贸易收支的影响,研究结果表明,马歇尔&勒纳条件在我国是成立的。

    Studied how the RMB real exchange rate impacts to the general China trade balance by using the total elasticity analysis method , and concluded that the Marshall-Lerner Condition is obvious true in China .

  10. 该对策是在研究纳什均衡和马歇尔&勒纳条件的基础上提出来的,根据国际经贸态势和中国经贸发展现状可以具体演化为取中的策略。

    Basing the research of " Nash Equilibrium " and " Marshall-Lerner Condition ", the anthor puts forward this countermeasure ; according to the circumstance of international economic trade and the actuality Chinese economic trade , it can be evolved into a modest strategy ;

  11. 根据经典的国际收支理论,一国进出口贸易条件只要满足马歇尔&勒纳条件,货币升值会恶化一国贸易收支,贬值则能改善一国贸易收支。

    According to the classical theory of international payments , only if import and export trade of a country meet " Marshall-Lerner " conditions , currency appreciation would make its trade balance worse . On the other hand , depreciation can improve its trade balance of payments .