
  • 网络Marriott;Mariotte;Marriot;Bill Marriott;J.W.Marriott
  1. 万豪董事长兼首席执行官小马里奥特(J.W.MarriottJr)在最近一次访问北京时表示:中国游客对出国旅游有着极大的兴趣,他们日益增长的财富也非常显眼。

    Chinese tourists have a huge appetite to travel abroad and their increasing wealth is very evident , said J.W. Marriott Jr , Marriott 's chairman and chief executive , during a recent visit to Beijing .

  2. 今天的马里奥特文化起源于马里奥特70多年的成功经验。

    Today 's Marriott culture is rooted in70 years of success .

  3. 马里奥特沙漠岭规划亚利桑那州凤凰城

    Desert Ridge Marriott Phoenix , Arizona

  4. 小马里奥特表示:可以说,中国是当今全球最引人注目的旅游市场。

    China is arguably the world 's most compelling tourism market today , Mr Marriott said .

  5. 后来富毅荣发现,自己过虑了,那位高管所说的“问题”是,马里奥特家族的一位成员点了碗蛤蜊浓汤,端上来的时候汤已经凉了,而经理没有很好地处理这个问题。

    The " issue , " it turned out , was not what Fuller had feared . A Marriott family member had ordered clam chowder ; it arrived cold , and the manager hadn 't handled it well .