
  • 网络gary locke;Gary Faye Locke;Gary F. Locke;Locke
  1. 我也很高兴能与我的同事商务部长骆家辉(GaryLocke)一起参加晚宴。

    And I 'm delighted to be here with my colleague , the Secretary of Commerce , Gary Locke .

  2. 任命骆家辉(GaryLocke)出任美国驻华大使,使奥巴马(BarackObama)政府有机会挑选一名令人瞩目的人物出任商务部长,从而取悦商界。

    The appointment of Gary Locke as ambassador in Beijing has given the Obama administration a chance to court business with a high-profile choice for the position of commerce secretary .

  3. 而且,据报道时任美国商务部部长的骆家辉致电斯普林特公司CEO丹•汉斯,表达了自己对国家安全的“深切担忧”。

    And Commerce Secretary Locke reportedly called CEO Dan Hesse to convey his " very deep concerns " about national security .

  4. 奥巴马派遣两位华裔美国人能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)和商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)前往北京访问,作为今年一系列旨在构建信任的善意表示的一部分,此举相当英明。

    His dispatch of Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke both Chinese-Americans to Beijing as part of a series of confidence-building overtures this year was a smart move .

  5. 美国驻华大使骆家辉(garylocke)在最近的讲话中强调这一观点时,展现了某种策略与圆滑他谈道,开放将为中国带来更多的创新与增长。

    Gary Locke , the US ambassador , has been diplomatic in pressing that point in recent speeches , saying that openness would promote more innovation and growth in China .

  6. 组织方认为,美国最早可能在本周与上海世博会签订正式参展协议,破土动工或安排在华裔美国商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)下周访华期间。

    Organisers believe a formal participation agreement could be signed with Shanghai Expo as early as this week , with ground-breaking perhaps next week during a visit by Gary Locke , the ethnic Chinese US Commerce Secretary .

  7. 当美国新任商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)本周抵达北京、代表美国贸易利益开展游说之际,他还担负着另一项代表第三国利益的使命。

    When Gary Locke , the new US Commerce Secretary , touched down in Beijing this week to lobby on behalf of American trade interests , he also carried with him a brief representing the interests of a third country .

  8. 骆家辉,商务部长,华裔。

    Gary F.Locke – Secretary , United States Department of Commerce .

  9. 而骆家辉在公开表态中至少也曾经对此表示过担忧。

    And Locke himself acknowledges at least some concern in his quote .

  10. 骆家辉表示,他殷切地希望开始新的职位。

    Locke said he is eager to begin the assignment .

  11. 骆家辉这样的公众人物没办法像其他人那样对污染畅所欲言。

    Public figures like Locke can 't talk about pollution like others .

  12. 他叫骆家辉,是美籍华人。

    His name is Gary locke , and he is American chinese .

  13. 骆家辉可能永远也不会透露空气污染对他决定离京的影响到底有多大。

    Locke may never reveal the degree to which pollution affected his decision .

  14. 骆家辉前往北京递交国书后,将正式成为美国驻华大使。

    The envoy will formally become ambassador after presenting his credentials in Beijing .

  15. 奥巴马提名骆家辉为商务部长。

    Mr Obama nominated Gary Locke as commerce secretary .

  16. 骆家辉大使最近访问了小小鸟打工互助热线北京办公室。

    Ambassador Locke recently visited the Beijing office of the Little Bird Mutual Assistance Hotline .

  17. 骆家辉说,美中两国可以在解决气候变化上制定新的国际标准。

    Locke said the countries can set a new international standard for tackling climate change .

  18. 亲爱的盖特纳部长和骆家辉部长:

    Dear Secretary Geithner and Secretary Locke :

  19. 针对社交媒体上盛传的所谓因空气污染而被迫辞职的传言,骆家辉做出了回应。

    Locke himself responded to rampant speculation across social media that pollution forced him out .

  20. 骆家辉已取代了洪培博的位置,后者今年四月份为了竞选美国总统而辞了职。

    Locke has replaced Jon Huntsman , who resigned in April to run for US presidency .

  21. 骆家辉是首位华裔驻华大使,同时他还是前任华盛顿州州长。

    Locke is the first Chinese-American ambassador to China and a former governor of Washington state .

  22. 骆家辉说,这项努力的一个重点将是商务和贸易。

    A significant portion of that effort will be focused on commerce and trade , Locke said .

  23. 我所能想到的代替洪博培大使的最合格人选非骆家辉(骆家辉)莫属。

    In replacing Ambassador Huntsman , I can think of nobody who is more qualified than Gary Locke .

  24. 骆家辉1950年1月21日出生在华盛顿州西雅图,祖籍广东台山。

    Locke was born in Seattle on Jan.21,1950 , with the ancestral home at Taishan of Guangdong Province .

  25. 2月底,美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马任命骆家辉为美国商务部长。

    IN late February , US President Barrack Obama nominated Gary Locke as the US secretary of commerce .

  26. 骆家辉认为,不存在任何先天的思想和心灵得到其所有的想法,从经验。

    Locke believed there are no innate ideas and that the mind gets all of its ideas from experience .

  27. 那是州长骆家辉的官邸,他是在叔叔家中长大的。

    It 's the Governor Gary Locke 's residence . He was cradled in the house of his uncle .

  28. 骆家辉表示,他过去一直为这个目标而努力,在新的职位上,他将继续为这个目标而奋斗。

    Locke said he has worked toward that end and would continue to do so in his new post .

  29. 在骆家辉前往北京出任驻华大使之前,他的任命需要得到美国参议院确认,但这项任命并不具有争议性。

    Senate confirmation is required before Mr Locke takes up the Beijing position but his appointment is not controversial .

  30. 骆家辉和朱棣文在中国所引起的关注不禁让人想起赵小兰。

    The attention Locke and Chu have received in China reminds one of Elaine Chao ( Zhao Xiaolan ) .