
  • 网络high school girl;school girl
  1. 她是高中女生的一个典型代表。

    She 's a typical " high school girl " .

  2. 偶尔做点高中女生做的事。

    Do some high school girl things now and then .

  3. 美国卫生部(DepartmentofHealth)数据显示,2013年,有多达22%的美国高中女生曾严肃考虑实施自杀。

    In 2013 , as many as 22 per cent of female high-school students in the US seriously considered committing suicide , according to the US Department of Health .

  4. 发现教学法在高中女生800m教学中的运用

    The Application of Discovery Teaching Method to The Teaching of 800-meters of Middle-school Girl Students

  5. 在纽约,两名高中女生做出了一款名叫“TamponRun(或译为《卫生棉大战》)”的视频游戏,女主角肩负起了“让世界不再对月经讳莫如深”的使命。

    Two New York City high school girls developed a video game called " Tampon Run " - the heroine 's mission is " to rid the world of the menstrual taboo . "

  6. 美国的Technovation项目通过教授高中女生如何创建移动应用和创立初创企业,来向女性展示科技能够改变人生。该项目由鼓励学习科技的非营利组织Iridescent提供支持。

    Technovation , a US programme backed by Iridescent , a non-profit organisation that encourages technology learning , is attempting to show women that technology can change lives by teaching high-school girls how to create mobile apps and launch a start-up .

  7. 他不会和一个高中女生约会的。

    There is no way he would date a high-school girl .

  8. 高中女生心理问题值得特别的关注和指导。

    We should pay especial attention and instruction to schoolgirls .

  9. 高中女生健美操课中探究性学习的实验研究

    The Research on Inquiry Learning of Senior High School Girls ' Aerobics

  10. 而且他还被年轻的高中女生们环绕着。

    And be surrounded by young high school girls .

  11. 如何上好冬季高中女生体育课

    On the Improvement of the Senior Girl Students ' PE Classes in Winter

  12. 分层次教学对高中女生体育教学效果影响的研究

    Stratified Teaching and Its Effect on Sports Teaching to Girls in Senior High Schools

  13. 加快高中女生篮球基本技能形成的研究

    An Analysis on How to Form the Basketball Basic Skill Quickly for Middle School Girls

  14. 足球训练对高中女生身体素质影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of effects on football training to body basic quality of high school girls

  15. 我以为你喜欢高中女生呢。

    I thought you liked high-school girls .

  16. 上海市高中女生减肥群体的自我概念与心理健康的关系

    Study on Self-Concept and Mental Health and Relationship of Shanghai Senior High School Female Dieters

  17. 日本一项调查显示,去年高中女生使用智能手机的人数增加了两倍。

    A survey in Japan found that smartphone use among high school girls tripled last year .

  18. 她和她的朋友们有很多相似点,她是个典型的高中女生。

    She 's a lot like her friends , she is a typical high school girl .

  19. 尽管学校规章制度没有要求,高中女生几乎从不化妆。

    Though school 's rules don 't mention , almost all the schoolgirls never wear very beautifully .

  20. 这名高中女生说,奥巴马夫人也有着许多良好特性的综合体现。

    The Soweto high school student said the first lady also offers a good combination of traits .

  21. 浅析形体训练对高中女生身体形态、机能的影响

    The Influence of Body Training of Senior Middle School Female Students on Their Body Shape and Body Functions

  22. 农村高中女生在主观支持、利用度和积极应对等方面得分显著高于男生。

    Girls showed significantly higher scores in social support , utilization degree and positive coping style than boys .

  23. 影响长沙市重点高中女生参与体育活动的因素分析

    The Analysis of the Factors of Affecting the Changsha 's Main High School Girls Who Participate Sports Activities

  24. 高中女生是一类具有形象思维能力较强,抽象思维能力较差的群体。

    The high school girls is a group of strong image thinking ability and poor abstract thinking ability .

  25. 挖掘历史教材中的女性材料培养高中女生女性角色意识

    Exploration of the Female 's Materials in the History Curriculum and Development of the Senior Girls ' Female-role Awareness

  26. 达拉斯·杰塞普在2006年制作了《失火》,这是一部为高中女生量身定做的自卫视频。

    Dallas Jessup produced " Just Yell Fire , " a self-defense video for high school girls , in 2006 .

  27. 这首歌描写了一位饱受相思之苦的高中女生,而这正是泰勒的亲身经历。这个主题也贯穿了她的第一张个人同名专辑。

    The song drew upon her experience as a lovelorn high-school student , a theme that Taylor revisited throughout her self-titled debut album .

  28. 她表示:我曾在一个会议上发言,听众是高中女生。我问她们,谁有兴趣进入科技行业。

    I spoke at a conference for sixth-form girls and I asked them who was interested in going into technology , she says .

  29. 在全美国范围内,高中女生的数学和科学平均绩点是2.76(总分为4),男生的平均绩点则为2.56。

    Nationwide , their grade point average in high school math and science is 2.76 out of 4 , compared with 2.56 for boys .

  30. 而另一项研究称,女子足球可能更残忍,所有运动相关脑震荡中的8%都发生在高中女生中。

    And another says girls ' soccer can be particularly brutal , accounting for 8 percent of all sports-related concussions among high school girls .