
  1. 高中新课改背景下外语课堂中的文化教学

    On Culture Teaching in High School ELT Class in the Background of New Curriculum Reform

  2. 浙江省高中新课改在2006年9月正式实施。

    The new curriculum reform for senior high schools in Zhejiang Province was implemented in September , 2006 .

  3. 选课制的全面实施是新一轮高中新课改的重要亮点,也是这次课改的难点。

    The overall implementation of the course-selecting system is the highlight of the senior high school curriculum reform .

  4. 随着高中新课改在全国各省的逐步展开,我省各中学也于2009年正式加入新课改的洪流。

    As the high school new curriculum reform has been carrying out through the country step by step , Hubei Province started in 2009 .

  5. 随着高中新课改在全国几大省市如火如荼的展开,新课改、选修课成了人们讨论的热点。

    With the new high school curriculum reform in several provinces and cities nationwide to commence , the new curriculum reform , elective courses become to hot spot .

  6. 高中新课改和大学重要的英语考试都把衔接连贯看作是一项重要的评分依据。

    Not only the New Curriculum Reform of Senior High School but also some important college tests consider coherence and cohesion as an important evaluating criterion on English writing .

  7. 并提出加强高中新课改中语文教师适应性的对策:优化教学环境、加强校本培训、建立科学合理的评价机制和提高教师自身素养。

    And to strengthen the New Curriculum Reform in Senior high school Chinese teachers adaptive responses : optimizing the teaching environment , to strengthen school-based training , set up scientific and reasonable evaluation of mechanisms and improve their quality of teachers .

  8. 随着全国初高中新课改的推进,近年来,各学校教学却出现一种普遍现象,就是高中一年级学生因数学学习跟不上,而过早的出现两极分化。

    Along with the high school new curriculum reformation , in recent years , the school teaching is a universal phenomenon , is the high school the first grade students with mathematics learning does not follow to go up , and the emergence of early polarization .

  9. 在课程实施方面要持课程创生取向,并建立行之有效的教学管理运行机制,切实培养出适应高中新课改的教师,满足我国教育改革和发展的需要。

    We should insist the creative tendency in implementing the curriculum through establishing efficient teaching system in order to educate a lot of teachers with the ability adapting to the senior middle school curriculum reform and satisfying the needs of our country 's education reform and development .

  10. 高中地理新课改背景下的高师人文地理教学改革

    Human Geography Teaching Reform of Normal Universities in New Curriculum

  11. 基于高中历史新课改的对话教学研究

    The Dialogue Instruction Research of the Base on Senior High School History New Class Correct

  12. 而高中历史新课改的模块结构采用中外合编的专题体例,教材内容出现专题化和学术化的迹象,抽象思维要求明显提高。

    New modular structure of curriculum reform in senior history compiled thematic style in China and abroad , showing signs of special subject and academic teaching material contents . Abstract thinking requires improving significantly .

  13. 第二部分简述在高中语文新课改背景下语文内隐学习研究的兴起,大致梳理了国内关于语文的内隐学习研究沿革。

    The second part is about Chinese New Curriculum Reform in Senior High School under the background of the rise of Chinese implicit learning research , approximately combed of language study on the implicit learning of history .

  14. 高中地理新课改是我国新世纪教育领域的又一次比较深刻的、有意义的变革,也是进一步全面推进素质教育的重大的战略举措。

    The new curriculum in high school geography is a more profound and meaningful change , but also further promoting quality education is another major strategic initiatives in the field of education once again of the new century .

  15. 高中物理新课改要求教师要成为教学活动的研究者和反思者,教师教学反思能力的培养是现代教师教育的一个重要任务。

    High school physics curriculum requires the new teaching and learning activities call for teachers to become researchers and reflecters , in addition , developing the ability of reflection in teaching is an important task for modern teachers in education .

  16. 综合探究课栏目的设置是体现普通高中思想政治新课改的一大特色与亮点,又是教学实施和评价过程中的一个难点。

    Comprehensive inquiry lesson , part of the high school setting , reflects the ideological and political characteristic of the new curriculum , which is also a difficult process in implementation & evaluation of teaching .

  17. 优化思想政治课教师素质是深化高中思想政治新课改的必由之路,是促进思想政治课教师专业发展的应然选择,是提高思想政治教学的重要途径。

    Optimize teacher quality of the Ideological and Political lesson is deepening the politics of new curriculum reform , is to promote only the Ideological and Political lesson teacher development deserved choice , is improve the Ideological and Political education of important ways .

  18. 本文针对我国高中信息技术新课改中的学生学业评价进行了现状调查,在充分调查实践的基础上,总结出了学生学业评价中存在的困难与问题。

    In this paper , we made a status investigation on performance assessment of the new curriculum reform of information technology for senior high school . On the basis of a full investigation the actual , we summarized difficulties and problems in the studies appraisal .

  19. 因此,对边远地区高中化学教师迎接新课改情况的调查尤为重要。

    Therefore , making a survey of the situation where high school chemistry teachers in remote areas meet the new curriculum is particularly important .

  20. 但由于初高中逐渐分隔,教师间交流甚少,同时高中新课改滞后于初中,初高中生物教学间出现了一道鸿沟。

    However , there is a wide gap between junior school with senior high school , due to the few exchange and the gradual separation between them . Besides , senior school course reform lags behind the junior middle school .