
  • 网络conductive polymeric material
  1. 碘掺杂的聚苯硫醚的带隙很小(为1.278eV),是一种良好的有机高分子导电材料。

    Owing to the quite narrow band gap ( 1.278eV ), iodine-doped poly ( p-phenylene sulfide ) is an outstanding organic conducting material .

  2. 不饱和聚酯树脂固相磺化制备高分子导电材料

    Sulphonate the Unsaturation Polyester Resin in Solid State to Preparation the Conducting

  3. 研究了用溶剂法制备复合高分子导电材料的工艺过程及影响导电性能的主要因素。

    The present work is concerned with preparation of conductive polymer films by solvent methods as well as factors affecting electric conductivity of the films .

  4. 高分子导电材料与金属导体相比,还有一定的差距,所以如何提高高分子导电材料的导电性一直是科学家们研究和讨论的问题。

    Conductivity of conductive polymers is not comparable to that of metals , how to improve the conductivity of conductive polymers is all along debated and discussed by scientists .

  5. 2首次系统研究高分子导电PTC材料热性能数据(热变形温度、维卡软化温度、熔点)与PTC材料特征温度之间的关系。

    The relations between the data of thermal behavior and characteristic temperature of self-regulating heating cables were first studied systematically .

  6. 考察了炭黑及偶联剂种类、用量对高分子PTC导电材料性能的影响,并探讨了偶联接技机理,从理论上对改性效果进行了分析。

    The effect of the type and contents of CB and coupling agents on the performances of the polymer based PTC conductive composite was investigated , and the mechanism of coupling graft was also analyzed .

  7. 高分子复合导电材料及其应用发展趋势

    Polymer Electrical Conductive Composites and Their Application Developments

  8. 碳纳米管/高分子复合导电材料的研究进展

    Progress in Carbon Nanotube / Polymer Conductive Composites

  9. 炭黑填充多组分高分子导电复合材料的研究进展

    Recent Progress in Studies on the Conductive Composites Composed of Multi-Component Polymers Filled with Carbon Black

  10. 碳系导电填料质轻、导电性好,因此被广泛应用于高分子导电复合材料。

    Carbon conductive fillers have been widely used in conductive polymer composites as a result of their light mass , extraordinary electrical property .

  11. 高分子基PTC导电材料研究开发进展

    Advances in the R & D of polymer based PTC conducting materials

  12. 降低材料的导电填料含量、提高导电性同时改善材料的电性能稳定性是目前高分子基导电复合材料研究的重要方向。

    One of the major research challenges in the development of conducting polymer composite materials is reducing the filler content as much as possible while improving the electrical conductivity and the stability of electrical properties .

  13. 长链共轭聚席夫碱是有机高分子导电吸波材料中的一类,该类材料由于其特殊的单、双键主链结构,往往具备良好的导电性能和吸波性能。

    Long-chain conjugated Schiff bases is in a new class of organic conductive polymer absorbing materials possessing single and double bonds in its main chain . Long-chain conjugated Schiff bases have good electrical conductive properties and microwave absorbing properties .

  14. 某些有机高分子聚合物可与导电材料形成PTC复合材料。

    Some organic polymers can form positive temperature coefficient ( PTC ) composites with the electric conduction materials .

  15. 高分子基气敏导电材料是近年来发展起来的一种新型功能高分子复合材料。

    The polymer based conductive composites has developed as a novel functional composite material recently .

  16. 有机高分子导电聚合物吸波材料具有电、磁参量可调,比重轻,稳定性高,兼容性好等优点,近年来得到了快速发展。

    The organic conductive polymer absorbing materials has been a rapid development in recent years because of its adjustable electric and magnetic parameters , light weight , high chemical stability and good compatibility .