
  • 网络High voltage switch cabinet;High-Voltage Switchgear;High Voltage Switchgear;KYN;high-voltage switchgear panel
  1. 该组合电器主要适配于KYN28(GZS)型高压开关柜组成F-C回路。

    The composition electrical appliance is mainly applicable to Model KYN28 ( GZS ) High-voltage switchgear to form a F-C feed back circuit .

  2. 高压开关柜接地开关的应用和管理

    Application and Administration of Earthing Switch in High-voltage Switchgear

  3. 基于CO2传感器的高压开关柜触点超温监测仪的研制

    Development of over-temperature detection apparatus for high voltage switchgear based on CO_2 sensor

  4. 采用PLC元件控制的智能化高压开关柜

    PLC Element - controlling Intelligent HV Cubicle

  5. 采用无线RF技术的高压开关柜实时测温系统

    Real-time Temperature Measurement System of High Voltage Switchgear by RF Wireless Technical

  6. UPS在高压开关柜操作电源中的应用

    The application of UPS in operation power supply of high voltage switchboard

  7. FA(38)型材在高压开关柜中的应用

    FA_ ( 38 ) Shaped Material Used for HV Switchgear Cubicle

  8. 高压开关柜局部放电UHF在线监测系统的研究

    Research on On-line Partial Discharge UHF Monitoring System for High Voltage Switchboard

  9. 本文介绍采用PLC元件控制的高压开关柜,实现了配电控制的完全自动化以及其模块组成及功能,模拟量模块输入、开关量模块输入输出的线路。

    This paper introduced the PLC element-controlling hv cubicle realizing the complete automation of distributing control , modular combination and its function , analogue modular input , circuit for switching value modular input and output .

  10. 浅谈10kV高压开关柜设计的几点体会

    Talking about a Few Words about Design of 10 kV High Voltage Switch Cubicle

  11. 10kV高压开关柜的故障在线检测方法

    On line fault detection for 10 kV switchgear

  12. 介绍了如何实现GG1B(F)(Z)型高压开关柜整体式真空断路器与隔离开关的机械联锁。

    This article introduces how to realize the mechanical interlock of integral vacuum circuit breaker with the disconnector inside type GG1B ( F )( Z ) switchgear cabinet .

  13. GG-1A型高压开关柜的真空断路器改造

    Innovation on Vacuum Breaker of the GGA-1A High Voltage Switchgear

  14. 地面35kV变电所6kV老式高压开关柜真空化改造

    Vacuum alteration for 6 kV old high pressure switch cabinet of ground 35 kV transformer substation

  15. 基于GG-1A高压开关柜中真空断路器的技术改进

    The technological improvements of vacuum circuit breakers based on high voltage switch cubicle of GG-1A

  16. 高压开关柜就地测控保护单元(MLU)技术研究

    Microprocessor Local Unit ( MLU ) Integrated with Protection Measurement and Supervision in HV Switch Cupboard

  17. 为提高10kV高压开关柜的可靠性,提出了母线连接处温度、动作时间、弹簧储能时间与真空灭弧室等真空度测量方法。

    Methods for measuring temperatures at highpotential points . action time . spring energy storing time and vacuum pressure in vacuum interrupter are proposed .

  18. 一种组装式40.5KV高压开关柜的车柜配合设计

    The Design on Coordination between Truck and Cabinet of 40.5 kV Switchgear

  19. 本设计采用无线数据传输,集精确测温、RS-232总线、温度越限报警于一体,能准确、及时的在线监测高压开关柜接头的温度,保证了电力系统的安全运行。

    This design uses a wireless data transmission , set precise temperature measurement , RS-232 bus , temperature limit alarm into one , accurate , and timely on-line monitoring the temperature of High Voltage Switchgear connectors to ensure the safe of power systems operation .

  20. 介绍了M24型高压开关柜(引进法国阿尔斯通技术),按国家标准规定进行项目指标测试情况。

    Introduction to the situation to carry out item index tests for Model M24 high voltage switchgear cabinet ( technology from Alstom , France ) according to the national standards was made .

  21. 最后对研究设计的10kV高压开关柜智能化在线监测系统,进行了部分信号处理方法有效性验证仿真和部分监测功能验证实验,结果表明该系统性能良好,达到了设计的要求。

    At last , the emulate is made for validate the validity of the method of signal processing partially , and the experiment is made for validate the monitoring function partially . The result indicates that the capability of this system is all right to meet the designing requirements .

  22. 高压开关柜是电力系统中非常关键的开关设备。

    High Voltage Switchgear is key equipments of the power system .

  23. 基于光纤测温的高压开关柜温度故障预警

    High-voltage Switch Cabinet Temperature Fault Warning Based on Fiber-optic Temperature Measurement

  24. 中置式高压开关柜的问题分析及改进措施

    Analysis and Improvement Measure on Middle Closed High Voltage Switching Equipment

  25. 谈高压开关柜的安全净距问题

    Discussion on Safety Net Distance Issue of High Voltage Switchgear Cabinet

  26. CAN总线在变电站高压开关柜在线检测系统中的应用

    Application of CAN bus in HV switchboard online detection system of substation

  27. 基于CAN总线的高压开关柜在线监测系统的设计

    The design of HV switchboard online detection system based on CAN bus

  28. 实施高压开关柜无油化改造的方法和措施

    Reforming the High Voltage Switch Cabinet to have no Oil

  29. 高压开关柜信号灯改进

    Improvement on Signal Light of High - voltage Switch Panel

  30. 矿井提升机高压开关柜电气隐性故障处理

    Latent Electric Defect Handing for High-voltage Power Switch Cabinet in Mine Hoist