
gāo miào
  • ingenious;masterly
高妙 [gāo miào]
  • [masterly;ingenious] 形容事物佳美绝妙;高明巧妙

  • 它织网的技能之高妙,使人诧异。--《蜘蛛》

高妙[gāo miào]
  1. 其中,听觉美乃是中国古典园林艺术所追求的高妙境界之一。

    Acoustic beauty is the highlight of the Chinese classical garden .

  2. 想法高妙,艺术家的选择也很好。

    Great idea , and very good choices of artists .

  3. 佩纳·索翠思女士制作脆皮馅饼已经好几十年了(过去是她的母亲在做),每尝一口,你都能感受到她高妙的手艺。

    Ms. Pe ? a Sotres has made tlacoyos for decades ( her mother made them before her ) and her skill comes across in each bite .

  4. 把芭蕾这项看似深奥高妙的艺术变得可亲,并让人屏息以待。

    The movie makes the world of ballet , seen by so many as rarefied , accessible and exciting , a rigorous art that yields breathtaking results .

  5. 江淹自言其爱奇尚异,这种爱奇尚异的性格与当时仰慕奇人异士、追求高妙雅致的社会风尚有关,又与追求新变、追新求异的文学风尚有关。

    Jiang Yan says that he loves strange yet differences , which has relations with the admiration and pursuit of new and strange social trends and literary habits .

  6. 这是他的高妙之处,也是他突破原有创作模式,树立个性的成功之处。

    It is where his ingeniousness lies , and the reason leading to his successful attempt of breaking the bond of original creation mode and presenting his own personality .

  7. 通过美的三个层面,不仅让人感受到布依族情歌语言清新的艺术魅力,同时也体味到布依族崇尚朴质真纯,自然高妙的审美价值观念。

    Through the three aspects , the artistic glamour of the language in Buyi love songs is clearly conveyed , the aesthetic concept of Simplicity and Being Unaffected presented .

  8. 诗歌的性质、地位、作用以及诗人在思想中相应的定位从来就是人们乐于探讨的话题,但近两个世纪对圆融高妙的诗性智慧的强烈诉求却包含着与人类命运休戚相关的真意。

    The nature , roles , functions of poetry and the relative position of the poets become an important topic in cultural transformation , which contains a vital dimension of human fate .

  9. 在企业合并、分拆的无休止循环的推动下,发明新名称成了品牌大师们的一项赚取年金的业务,而企业营销部门对于新名称如何高妙会给出层出不穷的荒谬解释。

    Fuelled by the never-ending cycle of mergers and demergers , inventing new names is an annuity business for brand gurus and a dependable source of nonsensical justifications from the marketing department .

  10. 然而,其高妙之处在于,它可以把各种不同种类、空间和时间的事物,编织成完整的、真实的、逻辑的梦幻事件。

    But its egregious ability is that , he can weave all kinds of things into integrated , actual and logistic oneiric events , which are different of species , spaces , and times .