
  1. 他们知道这是一个信号,便骑着骆驼,爬过高山,穿越沙漠和平原,沿着星星的指引,往Bethlehem方向而去。

    They know This is a signal , then is riding the camel , climbs over the mountain , the traversing desert and the plain , along star direction , Goes toward the Bethlehem direction .

  2. 如果你驾驶一辆运动休闲车爬越高山,穿越沙漠或驶进鳄鱼出没的沼泽,车身一定要么脏兮兮,要么被刮伤,要么很可能彻底玩完儿。

    If you drive an SUV10 up a mountain , across a desert and into a crocodile infested swamp , it will get dirty , it will get scratched and it will most likely get totaled .