
  • 网络mountain top
  1. 高山顶上积满了雪。

    The lofty mountains were crowned with snow .

  2. 村子坐落于一个高山顶上。

    The village is perched on top of a high hill .

  3. 高山顶上,积雪终年不化。

    On the top of very high montains snow persists thronghout the year .

  4. 这张照片是在智利的一座高山顶上用巨型天文望远镜摄下的。

    The photo was taken with a giant telescope on a mountaintop in Chile .

  5. 高山顶是冰冻般地寒冷。

    It 's freezing cold upon high mountaintops .

  6. 高山顶上积满了雪。高速公路上已无积雪。

    The lofty mountains were crowned with snow . The highways are clear of snow now .

  7. 在高山顶上并不象有人认为的那样温暖,虽然离太阳更近了。

    At the summit of high mountains it is not so warm as one height think though it is nearer to the sun .

  8. 而其中最吸引人的还是那些盛开在高山顶上的野花,她们能在数周内完成她们的生命周期,从而在最严酷的环境下生存了下来。

    The most intriguing things are the alpine wildflowers that survive in the extreme climate of the tundra , completing their yearly life cycle in just a few weeks .

  9. 她看到那花园里的果子熟了,被摘下来了;她看到高山顶上的雪融化了;但是她看不见那个王子。所以她每次回到家来,总是更感到痛苦。

    She saw the fruits in the garden ripen till they were gathered , the snow on the tops of the mountains melt away ; but she never saw the prince , and therefore she returned home , always more sorrowful than before .

  10. 利用1990年11月兰州大学和离城市地面625m高南山顶的辐射和探空资料,分析和计算了烟雾层的辐射效应。

    In this paper , use the radiative and sonde data obtained in December 1990 at Lanzhou University and at the top of the South-mountain which is 625 m high to analyse and calculate the radiative effects of the smog layer .

  11. 许多国家从来不下雪&或者只有在很高的山顶上有雪。

    A lot of countries never have snow & or have it only on the tops of very high mountains .

  12. 那份寂静,加上空气新鲜,使吉尔想到他们一定是在一座很高的山顶上。

    That silence , combined with the freshness of the air , made Jill think they must be on the top of a very high mountain .

  13. 孩子们与玛:(唱)高高的山顶上有一个孤独的牧羊人

    M plus Children ( singing ): High on a hill was a lonely goatherd

  14. 在高高的山顶有一块被杜松和矮松覆盖的平地。

    The high , flat mountaintop is covered with many green juniper and pinon pine trees .

  15. 当你站在高高的山顶上驻足登看那渺小的村庄、城市;

    When you stand on the top of the hill , and then look the smaller villages and the city ;

  16. 我们爬的很高,到了山顶。

    We climbed up high , to the top of the mountain .