
  • 网络cohiba
  1. 高斯巴世纪三号香草雪茄(CohibaSigloIII),带有皮革味道,与甜食是最佳搭配。

    Cohiba Siglo III Vanilla , leathery flavored and best paired with sweet desserts .

  2. 作为古巴少数的独立种植园之一(大多数农场都属于合作社),罗瓦伊纳因种植技术而闻名,后来与高斯巴及奥约德蒙特雷(HoyodeMonterrey)这些高档品牌齐名。

    As one of Cuba 's few independent growers - most farms belong to cooperatives - the Robaina plantation became known for his growing techniques , which became synonymous with such premium brands as Cohiba and Hoyo de Monterrey .

  3. 事实上,因为这里的烟叶太出色,作为高斯巴雪茄爱好者的菲德尔·卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)在20世纪80年代初期就把这里出产的雪茄以罗瓦伊纳的姓氏命名了,罗瓦伊纳雪茄也成了唯一获此殊荣的哈伯纳斯(Habanos)。

    so impressive , in fact , that in the early 1980s Fidel Castro - a cigar-smoking Cohiba man himself - branded these cigars with the Robaina family name , the only Habanos to boast such a distinction .