
  1. 麦肯锡公司(McKinseyCo.)的咨询师高旭说,日本汽车制造商需要在中国市场迎头赶上。

    McKinsey Co. consultant Paul Gao said Japanese auto makers in China need to catch up .

  2. 麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Co.)的咨询师高旭说,日本汽车制造商需要在中国市场迎头赶上。

    McKinsey & Co. consultant Paul Gao said Japanese auto makers in China need to catch up . '

  3. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinseyCo.)的亚洲汽车行业团队负责人高旭(PaulGao)认为,中国60%至70%的购车者是首次购车。

    In China , between 60 % and 70 % of car purchases are made by first-time buyers , according to Paul Gao , head of consulting firm McKinsey Co. 's automotive team in Asia .

  4. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey&Co.)的亚洲汽车行业团队负责人高旭(PaulGao)认为,中国60%至70%的购车者是首次购车。

    In China , between 60 % and 70 % of car purchases are made by first-time buyers , according to Paul Gao , head of consulting firm McKinsey & Co. 's automotive team in Asia .

  5. 这种复杂的思想形态,决定了高旭的一生言行,升沉进退。

    The complicated ideology morphology made up all his life .

  6. 高旭对西方文化的见解,具有独到之处。

    Gaoxu had special view on western culture .

  7. 高旭和西方文化

    GAO Xu and Western Culture

  8. 麦肯锡的高旭说,这种情况将会越来越多。

    There will be more and more of that going forward , ' said Mr. Gao of McKinsey .

  9. 在中国近代文化史上、思想史上,高旭确实称得上是二十世纪初中国具有先进思想的知识分子中的一员。

    In Chinese modern history and ideological history , Gaoxu was really a member of whom had advanced idea at the beginning of the20th century .

  10. 高旭的诗歌题材广泛,内容丰富,继承浪漫主义传统,气势磅礴,典型地代表了资产阶级蓬勃发展时期文学的时代气息和艺术特点。但有些诗歌往往锤炼不足,失之粗糙。

    He carried forward the romanticism traditions , his poems typically reflected the literature in his ages , but some of them were course for lack of the polish .

  11. 引言通过南社引出高旭,介绍高旭研究的现状,指出其需要进一步探讨的原因。

    The preface draw forth Gao Xu according to the Southern Society , introduce the present condition of the research on Gao Xu , and point out the reason of continual study .