
  • 网络Upper flow regime;high flow regime
  1. 高流态模袋混凝土配合比设计及性能研究

    Mix proportion design and performance study of high flow regime membrane bag concrete

  2. 自密实混凝土是一种高流态混凝土,它在许多工程中都得到广泛的应用。

    Dense concrete is one of upper flow regime , which is widely used in various fields .

  3. C60高流态泵送砼压力泌水及其性能试验研究

    The Research on Test for Pressure Bleeding and Properties of High Flowing Pump Concrete of C60

  4. 大跨径桥梁结构C60高流态泵送混凝土施工质量控制

    Quality Control of Upper Flow Regime Pump Concrete of Grade C60 for Large Span Bridge Structure Construction

  5. 配制C60高流态泵送砼时,需要采用较大用水量和减水剂掺量,故拌合物常有离析和泌水趋势。

    When high flowing pump concrete of C60 is produced , more water and water reducing agent is used . So it often appears segregation and bleeding .

  6. C60高流态泵送混凝土由于具有高强度、高耐久性、高工作性等特性,被广泛应用于铁路、公路、桥梁、高层建筑中。

    High flowing pump concrete of C60 has been widely used in railway , road , bridge and high building , for its desired properties including high strength , long durability and good workability .

  7. 研究了原材料和配制参数等对C60高流态泵送砼的压力泌水率的影响,并提出了改善C60泵送砼压力泌水率的措施。

    Studies are carried out on the influence of the raw materials and the made parameters upon the rate of pressure bleeding of high flowing pump concrete of C60 . And the measures to prevent bleeding were provided .

  8. 施工中应用了专用定型模板、钢筋快速连接技术、My-box设备、高流态混凝土、拔管法灌浆施工、全位置自动焊接、巨型伸缩节波纹管一次液压成型等多种新方法和新工艺。

    A lot of new methods and techniques , including special type formwork , re-bar quick connecting technique , My-box equipment , quaking concrete , tube drawing grouting , all-position automatic welding , huge expansion joint and once-hydroformed corrugated pipe , etc were used during construction .

  9. 高流态混凝土在新集矿井快速施工中的应用

    Application of high flowing concrete for rapid construction of Xinji Mine

  10. 高流态抗渗混凝土在隧道衬砌工程中的应用

    The application of permeability-resistant concrete with high workability to lining in tunneling

  11. 高流态混凝土机理及在某工程中的应用

    The mechanism of high-flowing concrete and the application in arts building project

  12. 高流态高掺量粉煤灰混凝土在深防渗墙中的应用

    High fluid and large volume fly-ash concrete applying in seepage prevention wall

  13. 高流态早强混凝土的配制

    The Mix Design of High Flowing and Accelerating Strength Concrete

  14. 研究了高流态超早强微膨胀修补材料原材料的选择;

    Study choices of raw material for high fluidization and ultra early-strength micro-expansive repairing material ;

  15. 高流态粉煤灰回填路基三背关键技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Three Structures ' Fill with High-flow Pattern of Fly Ash Mixture

  16. 高流态自密实混凝土施工

    Construction of high flowing self-compacting concrete

  17. 高流态掺灰混凝土在济钢煤塔加固中的应用

    The Application of High Fluidity Concrete mixed with Fly Ash in Consolidation of Ji-gang Coal Tower

  18. 干拌自密实混凝土是一种高强、高流态、自密实、微膨胀、抗渗性能好的高性能混凝土。

    But the concerning dry-mixing self-compacting concrete anticipates the members to be subjected to the dint transforms function , etc.

  19. 基于上述试验的结果提出了抗裂性较好的高流态混凝土的优化配合比。

    Based on above experimental results , an optimum proportion of high-flowability concrete with high crack resistance is brought forward .

  20. 对高流态混凝土流态化的机理及在高层框架结构中的应用进行了论述和分析。

    The fluidization mechanism of high flowing concrete and its application in high rise frame structures are discussed and analyzed .

  21. 高流态泵送大掺量钢纤维混凝土的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Pumping Concrete with High Fluidity and Steel Fiber Volume Technical specifications for mixed and axial flow pumps

  22. 精心研究并在文科楼应用的高流态混凝土在施工中具有良好的流动性、抗分离性、间隙通过性和填充性。

    The high flowing concrete using in art building projects has good fluidity , anti separation quality , passing quality through gaps and filling characteristic .

  23. 介绍了高流态自密实砼的性能、配合比设计方法及其在中等强度等级预应力受弯拉砼构件中的应用试验及测试情况。

    This paper introduced the characteristics of high dense fluid concrete , design of batching ratio , the experiment and test of bent concrete component in medium hardness prestress .

  24. 为解决引水压力钢管道底部混凝土浇筑问题,经过充分试验和研究决定采用高流态混凝土。

    To solve the problem of concrete placement around the power conduits at the Three Gorges project , it has been decided that a high flowing concrete should be employed , following extensive tests and researches .

  25. 通过高流态抗渗混凝土在隧道衬砌工程中的应用实例,证明高流态抗渗混凝土完全可以应用于隧道衬砌工程,并能取得较好的质量效果和经济效益。

    Application of this kind of concrete in some instances to the lining in tunneling proved the feasibility of the permeability-resistant concrete with high workability for tunnel lining , which helped to secure good quality and economic benefit .

  26. 对高流态混凝土的配合比试验和现场施工进行介绍,以期能在钢管道及其结构复杂、钢筋密集的部位得到推广使用。

    The mix proportion tests and field construction for the high flowing concrete are presented , and a wide application of this concrete can be expected to the areas around the penstocks and locations with complex structures and dense steel bars .

  27. 根据国家体育场工程看台结构特点,对高流态混凝土的原材料选用,配合比设计进行论述并进行试验比较分析,指导并应用于国家体育场工程看台结构并取得良好效果。

    Based on the characteristics of stand structure of National Stadium engineering , authors introduce the selection of raw material , mix ratio design of high-fluid concrete , and take some mix ration test , which can guide the stand structure construction of the National Stadium and get good effects .

  28. 床高对流态床冻结效率的影响&美国加利福尼亚大学农业工程系

    Effect of the bed height on the fluidized bed freezer efficiency

  29. 高粘度流体流态化的特殊性

    Characteristics of High - Viscosity Fluid Fluid ization

  30. 研究了具有高流动性的流态混凝土的配比、流动性、早期裂纹扩展、强度、收缩、碳化和抗冻融性,这种混凝土无论在成本上还是性能上都是非常可行的。

    Mixture proportions , flowability , crack propagation at early ages , strength , shrinkage , carbonation and the freezing and thawing resistance of flowing concrete with high flowability were investigated .