
  • 网络high-tech agriculture
  1. Pan说他将他创业课程中的学生分成组,且让他们制定出详细的商业计划,以至于小到看护,钢琴练习,大到高科技农业计划。

    Pan says that her entrepreneur courses had the students broken up into groups where they worked out complete business plans – everything from babysitting to piano training to high-tech agriculture .

  2. 打造沿黄省区强势高科技农业和生态系统

    Build Strong High-tech Agriculture and Ecosystem in Provinces along the Yellow River

  3. 物理农业是近些年来发展起来的一种新的高科技农业技术。

    Physical agriculture is a advanced agricultural technique developed in recent years .

  4. 沿海发达地区发展高科技农业的模式选择

    Pattern Option of Development of Hi Tech Agriculture in the Coastal Areas

  5. 在高科技农业时代,嫁接仍然占有很重要的地位。

    In an age of high-technology agriculture , grafting still holds an important place .

  6. 人们还在使用原始的农耕技术,因为高科技农业的成本高昂,甚至不被人所知。

    People still use old agricultural techniques as scientific agriculture is costly and even unknown .

  7. 很明显,高科技农业已是“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头”。

    Clearly , a small but impressive portfolio of scientific agriculture is starting to emerge .

  8. 要有效化解农业风险,必须大力发展高科技农业。

    We must devote major efforts for development of high tech agriculture while ceasing agricultural risk .

  9. 在如今的高科技农业时代,嫁接仍被认为是一种极其重要的低端技术方法。

    In an age of high-technology agriculture , grafting is a low-technology method that remains extremely important .

  10. 珠江三角洲经济区高科技农业发展战略的选择

    Strategy and measure on the development of agriculture through high new technology in Pearl River Delta economy areas

  11. 试论强化农业龙头企业核心能力管理闽台高科技农业产业竞争互补机制研究

    The Study of the Competitiveness and the Co-Operation Mechanism in the High-Tech Agriculture Industry between Fujian and Taiwan

  12. 为了建立这样一个高科技农业工厂,多项可持续技术将集中应用在一座建筑上。

    In order to create such a high tech growing machine , a number of sustainable technologies will be integrated into one building .

  13. 本文结合该系统在莱西市高科技农业示范园区的应用实例,揭示了这一系统的逻辑设计、物理实现、技术特色及主要功能。

    Based on its application in Laixi Hightech Agricultural Demonstration Zone , the system logical design , physical implementation , technical characteristics , and its main functions were described and analyzed .

  14. 农业现代化是建立在发达的农业科研基础之上的,新世纪的农业是一种应用生命科学和生物技术最新成果的高科技农业,农业发展的主要动力将源于知识资本。

    Agriculture modernization is based on agricultural scientific research . In the new era it will depend on the achievements of life science and biological technology with knowledge capital as the main motive power .

  15. 现代市场经济是以高科技农业、新型小规模合作产业、广泛的政府福利政策、适宜的生活条件、稳定的货币和高水平的对外贸易为特征的。

    This thoroughly modern market economy features high-tech agriculture , up-to-date small-scale and corporate industry , extensive government welfare measures , comfortable living standards , a stable currency , and high dependence on foreign trade .

  16. 再通过对古典区位论、近代区位论、现代区位论等选址理论分析与整合,提出了高科技农业的区位特征及农业科技园区选址影响因子,作为下文研究济宁市农业科技园区选址问题的理论基础。

    Then the characteristics of hi-tech agriculture and the factors of location selection are concluded from discussing some location theories , which gives a basic theory for the study on location selection of the Jining Agricultural Science and Technology Park .

  17. 高科技农业就是将高新技术融入到农产品生产经营过程中的现代化农业,高科技农业能够解决资源短缺、农产品安全供给、农业可持续发展、农民增收及农业竞争力等问题。

    High tech agriculture means modern agriculture that high technology is dissolved in the process of agricultural products producing and managing . High tech agriculture can solve the shortage of resources , agricultural products supply , agriculture sustainable development , agriculture competition and so on .

  18. 温室是高科技对农业的武装,温室工程是现代化农业的重要组成部分。

    Greenhouse is the important component section of modernization agriculture .

  19. 作为一个普及农业实用技术的计算机软件,该系统在高科技服务农业一线的技术手段和具体实现上做出了有益的尝试和探索。

    As a software to disseminate applied agricultural technology , this system tried to use hign-tech means to serve agriculture .

  20. 改革开放20多年来,陕西农业高新技术产业化建设取得了丰硕成果,高科技在农业产业化方面的支撑作用日益突出。

    The construction of agricultural high-tech industrialization in Shaanxi has achieved great success in the20 years after Chinas opening to the outside world .

  21. 利用高科技改造农业,全面构建信息化农业、智能农业、精准农业是现代农业发展的趋势。

    It is a direction of developing modern agriculture that using high-tech to establish Information Agriculture , Capacity Agriculture and Precision Agriculture entirely .

  22. 论高科技在化解农业风险中的作用

    Function of High Science and Technology in Dissolving Agricultural Danger

  23. 开发引进高科技产品实现农业可持续发展加大技术开发引进、投入;

    Develop and Import High tech Products , Bring about Sustainable Development of Agriculture Strengthen technology input ;

  24. 会议也解决了七项原本可能需要经世界贸易组织处理的有关高科技产品、农业和知识产权保护的争端。

    They also resolved seven potential World Trade Organization cases on high-technology products , agriculture and intellectual-property protection .

  25. 日本、欧美、新加坡等发达国家通过不断的摸索实践,逐步发展起了各类园艺化、设施化、高科技化的都市农业。

    In Japan , Singapore , US and other developed countries , high-tech urban agriculture has been developed through continuous practice .

  26. 我国的农业发展必须依靠高科技,现有很多农业适用技术推广还远没有到位。

    The agricultural development of China must depend on Hi-tech , much existing agriculture 's suitable technology popularization were not still put in place far .

  27. 作为基于信息高科技的集约化农业问世的精细农业,已经成为农业可持续发展研究的热门领域。

    Since " Precision Agriculture " came out as the agriculture base on information high-tech , it has been the focus field that can develop continuously .

  28. 在宜农区大力发展绿洲农业,为城乡提供粮食安全,是城乡协调发展的基础;畜牧业下联种植业,上联加工工业,沙产业本身就是高投入、高科技的工业式农业。

    In the good country region the development of oasis agriculture may provide safety in the aspect of grain . On prairie the livestock husbandry is related with plant and process industry , sand industry itself is industrial agriculture with high cost and technology .